Movie Information
Overall Rank: 1604
Average Rating: 2.9/4
# of Ratings: 198
Theatrical Release Date: 04/28/2006
Language: English
Genre: Historical, Drama
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Paul Greengrass
Actors: Christian Clemenson ., David Alan Basche, Trish Gates, Cheyenne Jackson, Lewis Alsamari, Omar Berdouni
Plot: The historic telling of the events that happened on Flight United 93 during the September 11th attacks.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/11/2014
You either like or hate shaky cam all you want, but never has it been use so effectively like "United 93". It's there for a reason to get the feeling that your every character on that plane, and I do mean everyone. I have no idea how Paul Greengrass dose it, but he manages to take a real tragic and crafted it so masterful that it truly captures the terror on that day. And to all those who died on that day. You will never been forgotten.
Rating of
mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/20/2012
Told in a very documentary-style approach, United 93 hits home in the realistic and unflinching way it portrays the tragedy of 9/11. Certainly a lot of the power of the film is devised from the inherent familiarity of the tragedy, but Paul Greengrass also finds a way to highlight the tiny moments of humanity amid tragedy.
Rating of
SIngli6 - wrote on 06/05/2011
Irrespective of the Dogme 95 pseudo-realism, this was the third best film of 2006.
Full Movie Reviews
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"United 93" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 01/26/2012
United 93 is a thankfully unsentimental recreation of what happened on the only hijacked passenger airliner that did not reach its target on the day that changed the world. Paul "Bourne" Greengrass brings a very documentary like approach to the story, making it feel very much like a reconstruction rather than a drama. It has exactly the same mix of the everyday and the utterly surreal that that fateful day had for me, and the footage of the World Trade Centre gave me the same hollow, empty and slightly nauseous feeling I had at the time. There are no Hollywood style "heroes" or irrelevant soap opera bullshit concerning the passengers; it merely provides an accurate (as far as the known facts fit) depiction of what happened on the plane as the passengers realized what was happening and …
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The M.O.W. - wrote on 08/02/2008
We all know what happened that Tuesday morning now forever known as 9/11, and this movie tries to depict the events of that morning from the viewpoint of those on the ground working on that day.
When I first saw the commercials for this movie before its release, I suspected that this was going to be speculative on what happened on the plane with what is known from those on the plane who called families as the events were unfolding and the cockpit tapes. However, this movie mainly focuses on military and FAA responses as the hijackings and attacks happen.
The other planes which were taken over by hijackers are just referenced in this movie and a barely touched. We do see the results of the two planes which struck the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City through actual …
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