Three... Extremes ( Sam gang yi ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4595

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 37

Theatrical Release Date: 10/28/2004

Language: Cantonese

Genre: Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Fruit Chan, Takashi Miike, Chan-wook Park

Actors: Ling Bai, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Miki Yeung, Byung-hun Lee, Won-hie Lim, Kyoko Hasegawa

Plot: In this Asian horror film, there are three sub plots:

The first story is called Dumplings and a woman is trying very hard to have a child to keep her marriage from falling apart. She goes to desperate lengths to do this when she finds out she is unable to bare children.

The second story called The Cut involves a director who is casting a movie that involves someone he knows. This someone is asked to do things for the movie that seem odd and scary.

The third story is called The Box and it involves the relationship of a girl and her sister. She is buried in the snow and tries to separate between dream and reality. -- Mongoose

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

"Three...Extremes" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 03/30/2012

Three Extremes is a horror compendium from three of the most talented directors working today, although it's far from the kind of clunky Twilight Zonery you'll find in most examples of this genre. The first segment by Fruit Chan is probably the most straightforward of the three, telling the story of a back street abortionist who sells the aborted fetuses as dumplings that promote youth and beauty. It aims straight for the gross out factor and although succeeds in making the viewer uncomfortable it fails to really explore the subject. It is done with some considerable visual style though. The second by Chan-wook Park is a beautiful looking tale about a film director who wakes up on his own film set having been kidnapped by a disgruntled extra who tells he he must murder a child or his …

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Rating of

Extremely Terrifying Trio

Chris Kavan - wrote on 09/27/2007

Three of Asia's top horror directors are brought together for one unforgettable, highly horrifying trilogy that will leave you enthralled and probably a little disgusted.

Take Fruit Chan whose Dumplings (released later a full-length feature) is about a woman who wants to be young forever - and knows just the person to ask. What price does she pay? Lets just say it's a consistent diet that only the truly vain and insane could relish. This is the most well-rounded, and disturbing, of the three features.

Chan-wook Park continues his theme of vengeance in Cut. A director is made a star of his own feature, by a slighted extra who knows all the right notes to his. While this feels tame compared to Oldboy or Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Park gets the most out of his segment that is bloody …

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