Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews


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cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/19/2016

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ist ziemlich laut und clever gemacht. Leider ist der Film aber auch sklavisch dem Original verpflichtet und das hinterlässt einen bitteren Nachgeschmack. Wie sein Vorgänger leiht er sich ganze Szenen und Bild-Einstellungen vom grossen Vorbild. Den Sinn für Satire teilt er trotzdem nicht mit dem Original, weil hier das Politische personifiziert wird durch den Charakter von Caesar (Andy Serkis). Im ersten Teil hatte sich Caesar entwickelt zum Affen-Revoluzzer und wir verfolgten jeden Schritt dabei. Von Menschen aufgezogen, aber nicht als Affe, sondern wie ein kleiner Junge, bis zum Flüchtigen. Seine Geschichte gleicht einer Odyssee bis er schliesslich seine Brüder und Schwestern zur Revolution inspiriert. Im zweiten Teil erleben wir die Nachwirkungen der …

Movie God

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"Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 04/09/2015

The last vestiges of the human race form an uneasy truce with Caesar and his community until fear and suspicion on both sides results in all out interspecies war. Although Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes had some extremely impressive special effects that breathed life into the simian characters, it was the strong themes and human relationships at its core that made the film something special. Once again thanks to some superb CGI work and Andy Serkis' specialist talents, Caesar makes a very strong protagonist and the relationships between the characters work quite well, but this sequel is more a straight post apocalyptic action thriller than the more thought provoking previous film. It's all very impressively done, with visually pleasing action sequences set within a beautifully realised …

Movie God

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An awesome movie when it's about CGI

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 02/16/2015

"I always think... ape better than human. I see now... how much like them we are."

After the magnificent "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" from 2011, Caesar the legendary ape who started the revolution for his species, can show up again in this sequel. It's 10 years later and the world has been decimated thanks to the Simian virus. This flu originated from a genetically engineered virus and ensured that the apes became systematically wiser. The magisterial beginning shows Caesar in close-up and from there it's a run-up to an amazing first 20 minutes in which no human is seen and we witness the ins and outs of the apes commune, who communicate by use of a kind of sign language. They have retreated into a mountainous forest near San Francisco, where they have formed a primitive …

Movie God

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Summer 2014's Best Suprise at the Movies

Indyfreak - wrote on 08/23/2014

There is no reason for this movie to be as good as it is but my word, it really is that good!

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes picks up ten years after the original reboot/remake/whatever that was also surprisingly good as well. Here, the apes have devised a communal hunter-gathering lifestyle that's quite successful until a wandering band of humans belonging to a nearby colony shake things up.
Based off the title, the audience clearly knows how the movie will end in the grand scheme of things but this inevitable conclusion does not stop the script from becoming so enthralling thanks to a tightly plotted script with impressive set pieces and memorable characters. For much of the movie, there's actually little action and even less dialogue with the ape characters (they mostly sign each …

Movie God

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A New 'Dawn'

Unknown - wrote on 07/17/2014

'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' was a great surprise. The CG work was amazing and the main character of Caesar the chimp had a strong connection to the audience. 'Dawn' improves upon those positives and provides a more compelling story. The population of apes and humans has equaled in number now. Co-existence proves difficult with prejudice, power struggle, and an imbalance of nature. Serkis's central performance as Caesar is immaculate. It's so easy to become emotionally invested in his clash to maintain balance between both species. It moved me almost the the point of tears. Awe inspiring moments with the apes, as well as tense action, add much to the strife. 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' is a superior sequel that all should see.

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

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Apes on horses.

Matthew Brady - wrote on 07/14/2014

Koba: "Caesar weak". / Caesar: "Koba weaker".

The two sides come to a fragile peace. But this peace will not last and soon a war arises - one whose outcome will determine which species remains the dominant force on the planet.

2014 summer movies just keeps on getting better, Because this sequel is on the same level of awesomeness as empires strikes back and the dark knight. Andy Serkis needs a freaking Oscar and I know a lot of people have been saying that but it's true. The visual effect's are so realist and so well made. Matt Reeves brings something new to the table and he does it so brilliantly. The story is good and the rest of the human cast are great in the movie and overall this movie is by far the most new and the refreshing films yet.

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

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Dawn Burns Bright

Chris Kavan - wrote on 07/13/2014

For those who think that a motion-capture performance can't have just as much impact as a live actor, I submit to you Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Rise of the Planet of the apes surprised me in how well it told the origin story of this conflict between man and super-charged apes. Dawn, in my eyes, surpasses the original and continues to tell a compelling story - and does so in a way that is both action-packed and emotional. And Andy Serkis (the mo-cap specialist behind the leader of the apes, Caesar) is a huge reason why.

Serkis brings an emotional depth to Caesar that, even though I know his work through Gollum and Rise of the Planet of the Apes, is still remarkable. The face, the eyes, the little touches - if this isn't an artform, I will eat my hat. I can't wait to see what he …

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A Thought Provoking Story

Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 07/11/2014

The expectations for this new prequel sequel have been high, and its little wonder. Its predecessor, Rise of the Planet of the Apes was a lot better then a bunch of people thought it would be, and moved on to be one of the most memorable movies of that year. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is about of equal quality as “Rise”, which is no small feat. But reviews and early buzz have it set as significantly better then “Rise,” which I did not find to be true. Yes “Dawn” tries hard to surpass the first prequel in both scope and quality, but while there are many things in it that are mind-blowingly good, it is a bit to flawed to be considered “great.”

The whole thing is about war, and how the conflict between two peoples can escalate without some evil Darth-Vader like …

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