Derek Rathbun

Derek Rathbun

FilmCrave Points

Activity Points
Total Ratings 1
Total Reviews 1
Total Lists 4
Total Plots 0
Total Points 27

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Movie God

Derek Rathbun's Information

Ranking Status: Aspiring Actor

Name: Derek Rathbun

Gender: Male

Current Area: Overland Park, KS

Home Town: Lincoln, KS

Movie Profile

Favorite Genre: Sci-Fi

Least Favorite Genre: Musical

Favorite Director: James Cameron

Latest Movie Review

Rating of

Titanic (1997)

Ship of dreams

I remember sometime in grade school (early eighties) becoming obsessed with the story of the Titanic. As a kid it was always the size of the ship that drew me in and and held my fascination. In my home town I would walk whole blocks and count off the 882 ft. When the wreckage was found in 85 there was a flood of books and newspaper stories that I just devoured. I even tried to get our library to order a detailed schematics book which detailed the living quarters, boiler rooms, captain room ect. The librarians looked at me like I was nuts. Cut to 1997 and one of my favorite directors, James Cameron, releases his film about the doomed ship. I was a junior in high school yet when I saw that first trailer I was instantly swept away and I …

Recent Rating History

Movie Title Rating Overall Add
Titanic (1997) 4.0/4 3.0/4

Top Movie List

# Movie Title Rating Overall Add
1. The Dark Knight N/A 3.4/4
2. The Contender N/A 2.8/4
3. Titanic 4.0/4 3.0/4
4. Mulholland Drive N/A 3.0/4
5. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors N/A 2.6/4

Top Sci-Fi

# Movie Title Rating Overall Add
1. Blade Runner N/A 3.2/4
2. Aliens N/A 3.2/4
3. The Abyss N/A 2.9/4
4. 2001: A Space Odyssey N/A 3.1/4
5. Gattaca N/A 2.9/4

Recent Comments

Movie God

Alex - wrote on 12/17/09 at 12:24 AM CT

Titanic Review comment

You hit it right on. I agree. Great movie. It has made it into the AFI top 100 and can only imagine it will climb as time goes by. Great cinematography, good acting, brilliant story, and a vivid depiction of what could have happened for many.

Matthew Sanchelli - wrote on 12/13/09 at 01:13 AM CT

You need to review a flick.

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