Rain Man Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 189

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 656

Theatrical Release Date: 12/16/1988

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Barry Levinson

Actors: Tom Cruise, Dustin Hoffman, Valeria Golino, Gerald R. Molen, Ralph Seymour, Jack Murdock

Plot: After his estranged father dies, a young man finds out he has an autistic older brother and takes him on a cross-country journey that will affect both of them.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 05/28/2019

While I think it's unintentionally funny at times, this movie was a defining moment in both Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman's careers.

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 03/18/2019

This acclaimed comedy-drama does have a solid pair of performances from Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. They play bothers, one a self absorbed salesman and the other an autistic savant. The set up and first act is well paced. But the actual meat of the story is just a series of vignettes that don't really amount to anything all that interesting. There's a love interest for Cruise who comes and goes when needed. It doesn't help her acting is nothing special. It's good natured and there's nothing painfully dated about the depiction of autism. But it's nothing particularly sspecial either.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 07/23/2014

Raymond Babbitt reminds me of Forrest Gump, If Forrest Gump had the brains. The story is about a young man finds out he has an autistic older brother and takes him on a cross-country journey that will affect both of them. Tom cruise and Dustin Hoffman worked together well in this movie, because I like they back and forward talk. The directing was good and the writing was good too.

Full Movie Reviews

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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Rain Man review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 03/03/2012

A film similar to Easy Rider in terms of traveling as a pair. Reviewing this again to improve this reviewers rating. I remember being truly moved by this brotherly relationship of autistic Raymond (Dustin Hoffman) and self centered manipulative Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise). There maybe times when you feel the screenplay can be a bit iffy, the performances of the two leads however relinquishes any doubts or flaws. Its aim was clear and the portrayal of Hoffman was deservedly rewarded while the underrated performance of Cruise was authentically electrifying with meaty roles that made him a blockbuster sensation. Showing classic films on the tube was a nice homage. Rain Man is a powerful film about transformation, making up for lost time, choices, compassion and change.

Aspiring Actor

Rating of

Rain Man

Leah1986 - wrote on 12/14/2010

“Rain Man” starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman was a great movie. Tom Cruise played Charlie Babbit and Dustin Hoffman plays Raymond who in the movie has Autism. In the movie, there are many instances where Dustin Hoffman’s character Raymond portrays Autism characteristics. One particular scene at the airport touched me. Charlie wanted to get Raymond to fly because he was so determined to get the million dollars that his father left in his will for Raymond. Raymond did not want to go on the plane because he was afraid the plane was going to crash. Charlie then tried to convince Raymond to get on the plane Quantas because he said “they never crashed”. Raymond had a meltdown at the terminal. This finally led Charlie to decide to drive instead. Raymond also did not want to …

Movie God

Rating of

Definitely #48 on my lsit.. Definitely #48

mdtinney - wrote on 05/31/2009

"Rain Man" is a magnificent film with absolutely riveting performances from its two stars Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise.Hoffman plays Raymond an autistic adult who has been institutionalized since his youth. Cruise plays Charley a small time hustler who upon his father's death, finds out that unknown to him, he has a brother (Hoffman) that he knew nothing about.Hoffman reportedly researched his character by spending time with autistic patients, prior to the filming. The results are amazing. He has all of the mannerisms and habits of an autistic person down pat. You actually believe he is autistic he is so convincing. He richly deserved the Academy Award that he won for his performance.Cruise, because of his pretty boy image, is not given the credit that he is due as an actor. In "Rain …

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