Movie Information
Overall Rank: 4378
Average Rating: 2.6/4
# of Ratings: 214
Theatrical Release Date: 04/21/1989
Language: English
Genre: Horror, Drama
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Mary Lambert
Actors: Dale Midkiff, Fred Gwynne, Denise Crosby, Brad Greenquist, Miko Hughes, Blaze Berdahl
Plot: The Creed family moves to a countryside home near a busy logging road. In the woods near the house is a pet cemetery and further on is strange burial ground where things don't stay buried, but come back changed. After a tragic accident takes away his son, the father buries him there with fatal consequences. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 07/04/2022
For such a popular Stephen King adaptation, the only thing shocking about the original "Pet Sematary" is how badly it holds up.
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Ian - wrote on 09/15/2015
This movie absolutely terrified me as a child. It has pretty much everything that would do that to a young person. Talking corpses, undead creatures, chucky -like toddler murdering people.
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/18/2014
The Creed family moves to a countryside home near a busy logging road. In the woods near the house is a pet cemetery and further on is strange burial ground where things don't stay buried, but come back changed. After a tragic accident takes away his son, the father buries him there with fatal consequences. This movie was Shockley gross with horrible sense of gore.
Full Movie Reviews
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This was alot scarier when I was a little kid.
Tjommi - wrote on 08/28/2011
This movie was actually the first horror movie I saw as a kid, and scared the living daylight out of me. It resparked my fear of the dark that troubled me for quite some time afterwards. However the thing is that I am not a little kid anymore, and I have seen quite a few horror movies, allthough the are a couple of good creepy moments in this movie, the books scare me a heck of alot more than the special effects. The story is really good and the actors are great too, it's just that the special effects that was state of the arts when this was made are really bad today. If you haven't seen it though, I recommend that you do as I do with everything that Stephen King has touched, after all he has not earned the title the master of horror for nothing.
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