Notorious Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 344

Average Rating: 3.2/4

# of Ratings: 165

Theatrical Release Date: 09/06/1946

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/14/2008

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Mystery

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Alfred Hitchcock

Actors: Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains, Louis Calhern, Leopoldine Konstantin, Reinhold Schünzel

Plot: A man asks woman to spy on a group of her friends who are Nazis. Located in South America, the girl is torn between what is right and wrong.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/21/2019

Alfred Hitchcock's "Notorious" is a highly regarded spy thriller/romance and an essential piece of the director's filmography.

Rating of

Moviehead - wrote on 04/21/2012

Yes Hitchcock did it again. However screenplay writers didnt. This film includes some moment that are annoying. I was thinking are these people real spies or maybe just stupid hollywood actors. Second one won, and that was terrible for film. Setting is interesting, ww2 and spying and they had hitchcock to direct it. As in all his films most of film is nice looking and than you have some great moments. And those are reasons why to watch his films. Of course sometimes screenplay is good and than we have masterpiece, wich this one is not. All in all well directed, interesting but poorly written film. Hitchcock should have made much better films, he had talent. And Bergman is bad actress.

Rating of

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 01/17/2012

Alicia Huberman (Ingrid Bergman) is drunk and is aided by government agent T. R. Devlin (Cary Grant). She meets Alex Sebastian (Claude Rains), one of her father's friends and a leading member of the group is met. The task was assigned to Devlin to infiltrate an organization of Nazis. Alicia is poisoned after Alex discovers his wife’s peculiar actions. The wide, blurry and close-up shots were effective. Subjects of love, jealousy, political agenda, drinking and duty were tackled throughout the picture. Set pieces, score were astoundingly radiant. Its pace of the story was somewhat snail paced. The best things about the movie are the performances of the Cast. Notorious is a good romance mystery despite its minor flaws.

Full Movie Reviews

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Vertrauen - wrote on 04/29/2016

Our Daily Free Stream: Alfred Hitchcock - Notorious (german dubbed). Zum Todestag von Hitchcock! - Von allen Hitchcock Filmen ist Notorious der eindrucksvollste, was die visuellen Ideen betrifft! Alles dient hier nur dem einen Zweck: Die heimlichen Obsessionen eines rundlichen britischen Gentlemans zu bebildern. Und mit was für Bildern! Nicht nur einige der besten Hitchcocks, sondern einige der besten überhaupt - und sie alle führen uns zu dem grandiosen Finale, in dem zwei Männer herausfinden, wie falsch sie beide lagen. Für die Schwedin Ingrid Bergman war Notorious einer der beiden Filme, die sie unsterblich machen sollten. Sie spielt eine Frau, deren verdorbener Ruf (sie ist "notorious"!) ihr die Reputation einbringt, für den US Geheimdienst als Informantin zu arbeiten. In Rio …

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