Movie Information
Overall Rank: 2516
Average Rating: 2.8/4
# of Ratings: 214
Theatrical Release Date: 09/12/2003
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 09/08/2009
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Ridley Scott
Actors: Nicolas Cage, Sam Rockwell, Alison Lohman, Bruce Altman, Bruce McGill, Jenny O'Hara
Plot: A divorced conman is faced with problems - his obsessive-compulsive disorder threatens his business, his shady partner can't be trusted and he's just learned that his 14-year-old daughter has been found, and wants to be part of his life. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/19/2019
The unraveling is a bit of a stretch, but "Matchstick Men" is an entertaining and touching caper.
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mitchellyoung - wrote on 05/18/2012
Nicolas Cage gives a paranoid and nuanced performance that works in this character-based con man story. The relationship between Cage and Lohman is sweet and is the glue that keeps this quirky heist film going.
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Daniel Corleone - wrote on 10/21/2011
Roy Waller (Nicolas Cage) is a con man who suffers from agoraphobia, mysophobia, obsessive-compulsive personality disorderand a tic disorder and discovers her estranged 14 year old daughter Angela (Alison Lohman). Chuck Frechette (Bruce McGill) is the businessman targeted by Franks and Roy. Had a few comical and sensitive moments, especially the father daughter relationship. The conclusion was noteworthy though. Nothing memorable or amazing except for the believable performance of Nicolas Cage and authenticity of Alison Lohman. Matchstick Men is okay comedy drama to watch with themes of honesty, loyalty and family, with a simple premise.
Full Movie Reviews
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"Matchstick Men" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 04/05/2012
When an obsessive compulsive con artist discovers he has a teenage daughter he first bonds with her and then starts to teach her some tricks of the trade. A bit of a departure for Ridley Scott, this is more of a people film than the kind of historical epics he has become associated with. An easy going marriage of comedy, heist movie and family drama, Scott handles the shifts in tone with subtlety and never resorts to visual gimmickry. Rockwell and Lohman are solid support and really Cage is the weak link performance wise, as his take on obsessive compulsiveness can hardly be described as subtle although he is decent enough. A little predictable, but it has a couple of nice twists and has the kind of laid back charm that is old fashioned in a good way. Ocean's Eleven on valium.
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Cage's best film in at #46.
mdtinney - wrote on 05/29/2009
I was sort of worried about Nicolas Cage after seeing stinkers like 8mm, Snake Eyes, and Con Air. But then he comes along with Adaptation and Matchstick Men. He is FABULOUS in this movie. Just watching him bring the depth of his character to life was a real treat. His ability to pull off his physical and mental quirks without really going over the top was incredible.Sam Rockwell's character added some additional humor and uniqueness. Adding to the fabulous acting was Alison Lohman, who lit up the screen in every scene she was in. My wife told me she was 22 when the movie was filmed. I said "whoever wrote that must be wrong!" Yes, she was indeed 22 and her ability to play a 14-year-old was nothing short of astounding.I really don't want to say much about the plot because it is intricate, …
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Splendid Acting
Franz Patrick - wrote on 09/14/2008
Nicolas Cage gives a really entertaining performance as a con artist with obsessive-compulsive disorder who finds out that he has a fourteen-year-old daughter. Eventually, she learns of his true identity and the audience wonder how far it will go. Of course, the film takes a darker turn when one of the con jobs goes terribly wrong. I remember watching this back when it came out on DVD and was completely blown away by the trippy ending. But I think what’s most impressive by watching it the second time was how it gathers momentum prior to the astonishing finish. The only thing that sets this movie back a bit is its seemingly lost beginning. But when it finally found its footing, everything else was consistent and fascinating. Other brilliant perfomances include Sam Rockwell, as Cage’s …
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