The Island Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6732

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 214

Theatrical Release Date: 07/22/2005

Language: English

Genre: Sci-Fi, Action

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Michael Bay

Actors: Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson, Ethan Phillips, Steve Buscemi, Djimon Hounsou, Sean Bean

Plot: In the near future men are actually being "Harvested" and kept in secret laboratories as guinea pigs without their knowledge. Lincoln Six Echo (McGregor) find this out and him and Jordan Two Delta (Johansson) run for their lives.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 11/02/2011

Decent effort by Michael Bay. It's one of his better films in recent time. The story is good, but becomes less interesting as the action piles on.

Rating of

lpd381 - wrote on 12/31/2010

I hate to admit that I actually have a Michael Bay guilty pleasure but I do. This movies running time is a little long but this is only because the movie actually takes the time to develop the story and characters. Wait what! character development what's that? It's actually refreshing to see a movie that took the time to make you care about the characters. The acting was also very strong. You do have to love Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor was incredible and you never go wrong with Steve Buscemi in anything. The only complaint was that during the action scenes the camera work was kinda crazy. Over all a great flick and well worth the watch.

Rating of

goodfellamike - wrote on 10/29/2008

Entertaining science-fiction action flick goes in some surprising directions, but the second half feels just like every other Michael Bay action movie. The film doesn't offer any suggestions for its ill-conceived ending, but Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson make an attractive action duo. Final Grade: B-

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

"The Island" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 02/03/2012

Ewan McGregor plays the inhabitant of a Big Brother style society who starts to question the status quo only to find that their lives are all based upon a lie. Harking back to the distopian concept sci-fi movies of the 70s, The Island is a very, very pretty film to look at (even when Scarlett Johansson isn't beautifying the screen with her presence). It has lovely photography, attractive visual effects and production design and as Ewan investigates his too-good-to-be-true surroundings it is initially very intriguing. Unfortunately my interest only survived as long as Steve Buscemi's trademark off-beat supporting character did, for as soon as he is killed off it turned into the usual Bay wankathon that was just a long winded chase sequence through his formula of slo-mo explosions and lead …

Rising Star

Rating of

The Island

Bizarro - wrote on 10/24/2011

A well-known reviewer once said of The Island that it's " smarter than it looks, but dumber than it's supposed to be", and I feel that's a pretty accurate description of Michael Bay's remake of a very obscure 1979 film, Parts: The Clonus Horror.

With Bay at the helm of this action-science fiction vehicle, one can already expect a bunch of over-the-top explosions and unreal gravity/logic defying scenes ( which are in it, don't get me wrong), but there is also interesting and thought-provoking sci-fi elements and great character development.

The film kicks off with Ewan McGregor's Lincoln Six Echo, a clone who lives inside a giant underground facility along with hundreds of other clones. They are let on to believe that they are the last survivors of a global contamination and that, …

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