Movie Information
Overall Rank: 284
Average Rating: 3.2/4
# of Ratings: 169
Theatrical Release Date: 10/02/2015
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 01/12/2016
Language: English
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Ridley Scott
Actors: Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Kate Mara, Kristen Wiig, Sean Bean, Mackenzie Davis
Plot: On a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney is separated from his party following a fierce storm and left behind after being presumed dead. But he has survived and with few supplies, he will have to rely on his own ingenuity to survive and figure out a way to Earth that he is still alive. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Sensho - wrote on 03/14/2023
Not the best mars movie, but watchable! The marketing department really pushed this film to the public. A bit slow for me and some scenes were boring to me. Matt Damon acting was average. The movie reminded me of a movie made for TV. Overall, it was OK!
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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/10/2019
Did we really need another space disaster movie only two years after "Gravity?" Regardless, "The Martian" is pretty exciting entertainment.
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smeagol - wrote on 12/30/2015
Good film but not as good as the critics make out. the type of movie you could easily see a younger tom hanks playing. which funny enough shares 2 of his movies themes, with apollo 13 and castway. which would give you a good idea of what this movie is about, if you combine the two. matt damon is good in this. probably one of the best roles i have seen him do. he is very likeable, i love sean bean but strange casting he seemed very out of place. people say your finish the movie with a smile and tell your friends. erm i thought it was good but i wouldn't rave about it though i would class it as one of the best movies of 2015 though lets be honest its been a terrible year for good movies.
Full Movie Reviews
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Take time to see “The Martian”
Evan Wheatley - wrote on 10/21/2016
“Everywhere I go I’m the first. It’s a strange feeling. Step outside the rover, first guy to be there. Climb that hill, first guy to do that. Four and a half billion years, nobody here. And now…me.”
- Mark Watney, “The Martian”
Imagine you’re the first person to be alone on an entire planet. You’re in a NASA exploration habitat that was built to last for 31 days. Your food supply is limited. If the oxygenator breaks, you’ll suffocate. If the water reclaimer breaks, you’ll die of thirst. If the habitat is breached, you’ll implode. What do you do? How do you survive? Is it possible to make it back home? For astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon), dying is not an option.
You’d think a story about one man’s fight for survival on a planet several million …
Rating of
cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/07/2016
Ridley Scotts Film über das Überleben eines Astronauten auf einem trostlosen Planeten ist im Herzen die Geschichte eines Schiffbruchs. Obwohl der Plot nichts Neues bietet, sind die Details und auch der Tonfall so wie ich es vorher noch nicht gesehen habe. Matt Damons Mark Watney ist ein Mann, der all sein Einfallsreichtum und seinen Mut für eine unmögliche Situation bündelt, um sie zu ertragen. Vor allem muss er die ungeheure Einsamkeit aushalten. Es ist nicht so, dass die Twentieth Century Fox einen Film bezahlen würde, in dem der Astronaut am Ende stirbt. Es fragt sich also nicht, was passieren wird, sondern wie es passiert. Glücklicherweise basiert Ridley Scotts Film auf einem intelligenten Drehbuch von Drew Goddard, dass unter anderem untersucht, wie man einen gerissenen …
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"The Martian" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 03/01/2016
An astronaut is assumed dead after an accident on the surface of Mars and faced with a lonely death in a hostile world, he sets about taking his fate into his own hands. Robinson Crusoe meets Apollo 13 in this "triumph of the human spirit" style drama from Ridley Scott, although his approach to the story is rather different from his usual intellectualized, "arty" norm. It has a broad streak of warm humour that counterpoints the desperation of the character's situation that really makes you root for him in his quest for survival. The film of course looks fantastic, with an obvious desire for authenticity that makes the production design pure science porn. There is a message in the story in the subtext of humanity's taking for granted the natural world that feeds and sustains us but the …
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