Movie Information
Overall Rank: 154
Average Rating: 3.3/4
# of Ratings: 155
Theatrical Release Date: 06/19/2015
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 11/03/2015
Language: English
Genre: Animation
MPAA Rating: PG
Director: Pete Docter
Actors: Bill Hader, Mindy Kaling, Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Lewis Black
Plot: On the outside, Riley is just like any typical young girl - dealing with the ups and downs of life - but on the inside, things are much different. When her father gets a new job in San Francisco and moves the family from the Midwest to the West Coast, "Headquarters" the place in Riley's mind that contains her emotions, goes into overdrive. Joy, Fear, Sadness, Anger, Disgust - each one plays a role - and with a new city, home and school - there is going to be some major conflict. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/26/2019
Easily the smartest, deepest, and most, well, emotional feature Pixar has ever made, "Inside Out" is a funny, original, and beautifully animated depiction of human emotions.
Rating of
Pat - wrote on 03/07/2017
A flawless tale that digs through all important emotions while still keeping people of all ages entertained. The defining animated film of our generation!
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/11/2016
Pixar proves once again that they belong at the top of the animated studios - and can still give most live action films a run for their money. Inside Out is an emotional journey - funny, heartfelt and,despite the premise, very much set in the real world. The voice talent is impeccable, the visuals are superb and the music spot on. I especially love the little touches - the musical jingle you can never get out of your head, the journey into abstract thought, the way memories fade - it's all very well-thought-out and very imaginative. Ranks up there with the best Pixar films.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Pixar’s return to form
Evan Wheatley - wrote on 10/21/2016
When it comes to animation, Pixar rarely disappoints. As of late however, Pixar has released more sequels than original concepts, so it was nice to see a company that has produced classics such as “Toy Story” and “Finding Nemo,” return to form in June 19’s “Inside Out”.
“Inside Out” centers on a young girl from the Midwest named Riley, whose life is changed drastically when she and her parents move to San Francisco. While Riley is technically the main character of the story, her personified emotions of Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust comprise most of the screen time, with Joy and Sadness being the true stars of the show. These characters constantly control Riley’s emotional state like a well-oiled machine, and also preside over her memories.
Shortly …
Rating of
cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/07/2016
Inside Out ist ein Comic Abenteuer, das im Kopf eines elfjährigen Mädchens spielt. Ein Klassiker, der noch lange nachwirkt und schliesslich den modernen Animationsfilm runderneuern wird. Über weite Passagen sehen wir hier etwas, das wirklich neu ist - und Gefühle oder Situationen wiedergibt, die wohl die meisten schon selbst erlebt haben. Wir befinden uns im Gehirn von Riley, die enttäuscht darüber ist, dass ihre Eltern nach San Francisco umziehen. Alle ihre Freunde bleiben zurück. Rileys Emotionen wie Freude, Trauer oder Wut werden durch fünf Charaktere ausgedrückt - und im Master Controllroom gesteuert. Rileys Erinnerungen werden dargestellt durch Bälle, die von einem mentalen Ort zum nächsten gelangen. Eine Art Filter spezifiziert, ob Kurzzeit oder Langzeit. Jedenfalls …
Rating of
good movie for all ages
chrisman26 - wrote on 11/24/2015
didnt really know if this would be the best choice for our family or not'all the kids are teenagers' but my gut said it looked cute and my sister12 expressed intrest and i must say we had the most fun time we have had in awhile witeh learning about the ups and downs of our emotions it was a fun sweet ride for the entire yes i repeat entire group it was sweet adventures and loaded wirth laughs your never too old for a classic and this defenetly falls in that category good lesson about emotions for adults as well'im 26 'so i defenetly say see this i loved sadness discust joy and even fear was a pretty good guy i say u cant miss it you will laugh you will cry you will laugh till u cry felling very uplifted after seeing this family treat trust me
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