Movie Information
Overall Rank: 4706
Average Rating: 2.6/4
# of Ratings: 84
Theatrical Release Date: 11/06/2015
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 02/09/2016
Language: English
Genre: Action, Drama
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Sam Mendes
Actors: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Ralph Fiennes, Monica Bellucci, Léa Seydoux, Dave Bautista
Plot: James Bond is on the trail of a sinister organization after receiving a cryptic message from his past. Meanwhile, M battles political forces in order to keep the agency alive, and the closer Bond gets to the truth, he realizes just how much of a global threat SPECTRE represents. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 07/05/2020
Like most disappointing entries, the opening scene in "Spectre" is the high water mark. While it nails the gritty tone of the other Daniel Craig-era Bond films, it isn't anywhere as enthralling or deep. Also, the lukewarm introduction of iconic 007 adversary Ernst Blofeld is a huge letdown.
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chrisman26 - wrote on 11/24/2015
Ok gotta say wasnt sure if I was on board for this or not at first but then once I got sat down everything changed I loved. It it was action packed filled with suprises I loved the humor as well I say if u haven't seen this movie wait no longer go see it today its a pure blast for the whole family
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SIngli6 - wrote on 11/23/2015
For me, this is great Bond. The franchise has not had a good classic Bond romp since the 80’s (because screw the Brosnan movies), so to finally get one is really a nice bit of variety at this stage; and by the same token, the film’s commitment to the arthouse aesthetic (Hoyte van Hoytema delivers some gorgeous and dynamic images) of the Craig Era movies makes it feel faithful to both those movies and the early 60’s entries. However, I am a rather esoteric type of Bond fan, so perhaps this is a Bond movie designed solely for a specific audience. That would account for the rather frosty reception. And no, I did not like Sam Smith's song either.
Full Movie Reviews
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All Build Up to a Snoozer Climax
kimstir - wrote on 06/21/2016
I'm all about Daniel Craig and would love to be a Bond girl - either the badass version or just the eye candy haha I don’t care, sign me up! But wtf this movie bored me to tears! I wanted to like it, especially after the really amazing opening scene, but so much of this movie just draaaaaggs. A lot of the story is Bond trying to figure out who's behind some secret organization. It's kind of fun following along with him, but it doesn't lead to anything exciting. The payoff is SO WEAK. Plus, they try to force this whole weird backstory between Bond and the bad guy that just feels like it's from another movie/franchise.
Craig was good though imo. I know he got a lot of hate for it after saying the "I'd rather slash my wrist than do another Bond," but I thought he was still good. He …
Rating of
cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/07/2016
Die Geheimhaltung, bevor ein neuer James Bond 007 Film in die Kinos kommt, gleicht der während der Einsätze des Agenten. Obwohl die Zutaten immer dieselben sind, fragen wir uns, wer den Bond Bösewicht oder die Bond Girls diesmal spielt? Gibt es neue Bond Gadgets und wer führt Regie? Seit neuestem ist die Wahl des Bond Regisseurs gar nicht mehr nebensächlich. Spectre wurde wieder von Sam Mendes inszeniert, was die Erwartungshaltung sehr hoch ansetzt. Mendes hat Altes frisch aufpoliert und das Bond Thema mit seiner eigenen Handschrift versehen. Der Auftrag kommt von der im vorigen Bond verstorbenen M (Judi Dench). Er ist eng verbunden mit der persönlichen Geschichte Bonds. Wieder einmal wird Bond suspendiert, weil er einige Zerstörungen in Mexico City auf dem Gewissen hat. Auf …
Rating of
Tries to fill some gaps but leaves some emptiness
Cavernstones - wrote on 12/09/2015
Well the writers for Bond have gone and thrown it all against the wall to see what sticks in this semi completion of the trilogy of Daniel Craig efforts. It tries with a heavy hand to tie some of the history of the 50 years of bond films in all too often. A darker version to be sure of any of his predecessors, Craig plays the cold emotionless nature of the business against the feeling any kind of emotional attachment to the people (mostly women) that he uses along the way. There are repercussions for his actions however and he is brought to task for his transgressions along the way. Feeling a little under over the top is fine with me as far as the action sequences go. I prefer realistic reaction chase scenes wherever it may take them. Best example was the parkour chase scene from Craigs …
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Recent Movie Talk Posts
Stuart - wrote on 2015-10-07 23:53
I love a good Bond movie and never get fed up of them, I can't wait for the release as Chris said next year is going to be a hell of a year for movies!
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2014-12-04 17:00
It is going to be a huge year for movies - we'll see how many blockbusters one year can support. Bond may not Marvel or Star Wars level of fan legions, but I have a feeling it's going to do just fine on its own.
Indyfreak - wrote on 2014-12-04 11:41
My god, 2015 is gonna have the best lineup of movies in years! And I thought 2012 was something special. Clearly we have not seen anything yet.
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2014-12-04 07:01
Bond 24 has an official name - and cast! Other than disappointing Quantum of Solace, I have been a fan of these newer Bond offerings - and with names like Christoph Waltz (playing "Oberhauser" though many think he is actually taking on the mantle of classic Bond villain Blofeld), Monica Bellucci, Lea Seydoux joining the fray - things look like they are continuing in the right direction.