Pain & Gain Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9379

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 68

Theatrical Release Date: 04/26/2013

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 08/27/2013

Language: English

Genre: Action, Comedy

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Michael Bay

Actors: Dwayne Johnson, Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Mackie, Ed Harris, Tony Shalhoub, Rebel Wilson

Plot: A pair of hard-partying, but somewhat block-headed, body builders get caught up in a world of drugs and crime and find that extortion and kidnapping is not as easy as they thought. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

kimstir - wrote on 06/21/2016

I don’t know how much cinematic merit this movie really has, but I kinda enjoyed the heck out of it haha. The whole story is really disturbing when you take a step back and think about it (apparently it's a true story (and maybe me finding it all so funny is even more disturbing?)), but I couldn’t help but laugh. Everybody was great. Love Mark Wahlberg in these kind of roles, the "tough guy that's too sensitive." Bar Paly kept making me laugh. She really owned that role I thought. And I want to steal her wardrobe STAT.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 06/09/2014

Michael Bay tries to get serious here - and while the film was highly entertaining, it shouldn't be because the true nature of the story is as despicable and reprehensible as you will find. Trying to instill humor into something so dark should be against the law of film, but leave it to Bay to put his mark on things. If you took out the whole "based on a true story" angle, I would have been nicer, but even though the people responsible got what they deserved, it doesn't mean we should celebrate it in such a flippant manner.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/10/2014

Okay micheal bay think's it's okay to make this into a comdey when this stuff did happened in real life.pain and gain. this is by far the worst micheal bay film yet I mean the soundtrack and Dwayne Johnson was the only good thing in this movie.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

Painfully boring and not so funny

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 02/16/2015

"You know why habit rhymes with rabbit? Because your life goes down a rabbit hole."
(Irrelevant quote from Lugo and an indication what to expect from this movie)

Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Mackie and especially Dwayne Johnson in a movie about three body-builders who are involved in a kidnapping which they screw up completely.
A great action picture that can provide some distraction on a Saturday night. That's what I imagined since that was the only thing I knew about this movie. And judging the poster it could be an entertaining movie with three mindless hulks (Wahlberg in a lesser degree, but that's compensated by Johnson).

After fifteen minutes I actually began to wonder what I was watching and it seemed to me as if those 3 guys wanted to make an absurd comedy. With the …


Rating of

This amount of stupidity should be punished.

memento_mori - wrote on 02/05/2014

This film's title is very ironic. Because all I felt during my viewing of it, was pain. And I gained nothing from it watching its insulting two hours of bad acting and bad filmmaking.

I won't even bother with an introduction, because I am angry and eager to get to the point:

Every single scene in this film is simply wrong. I say that with the fullest confidence, because if you are a person who is actually aware of and has chosen to research the events which Michael Bay has shamefully decided to exploit and glamorize in his new action-satire disaster of a film, then you will most likely agree with me.
This is the director's worst effort, by far, if you can even call Michael Bay a direction by now.
Remember all the hype leading up to this film? How so many people were impressed by …


Rating of

Just pain, but no gain

sreekirch - wrote on 08/17/2013

Directed by Michael Bay
Starring Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson

Michael Bay’s adaptation of the true story just has pain, but no gain. If you have patience of watching a dialog driven comedy film with The Rock in it, just make sure to be having interest right from start. I appreciate Bay for taking a break from his regular cataclysmic summer escapism films. Nothing inspiring, just a chance taken for a comedy film. Rock Factor: Weak. Punch lines: Neither. Action: Amateurish. Performances: Childish. Bay uses Wahlberg and Johnson to play the gym trainers who do extortions, kidnappings and killings. Thankfully Johnson played the Rundown guy (I won’t kill people). But he tried to be bad. Bad judgment: Bay misfires my thinking. Disgusting fact: Despite, many attempts of killing, the …

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Recent Movie Talk Posts

Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 2013-04-26 17:00

I agree it's a tough call, but I think Oblivion will win.  Pain and Gains dark humor and strange visual style is probably appealing only to a very specific audience, while oblivion has a much wider spread appeal.

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Chris Kavan - wrote on 2013-04-25 20:18

Simple question: Pain & Gain vs. Oblivion - what movie is going to win the weekend?I think it's going to be close, but I'm giving the edge to Oblivion.

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