Movie Information
Overall Rank: 837
Average Rating: 3/4
# of Ratings: 210
Theatrical Release Date: 11/16/2011
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 03/13/2012
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Alexander Payne
Actors: George Clooney, Shailene Woodley, Amara Miller, Robert Forster, Beau Bridges, Matthew Lillard
Plot: Two teenage daughters push their father to his limit when they reveal their mother was having an affair before she had an accident.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 09/24/2023
An almost perfect tale on facing hard decisions and our own shortcomings head-on, "The Descendents" is one of the most formidable tear-jerkers of our time.
Rating of
potatoehoney - wrote on 11/24/2014
Im sorry to say, but George Cloney is better to play in action and superhero, his emotional and feeling is too flat. Thanks for Shailene Woodley, i give 2,5 stars bcoz of her natural acting
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Rod - wrote on 04/23/2014
I'm not sure if I really understood the whole thing, what the movie wants to say. But I'm sure that it is a family drama everyone should see. Directing and performances are above average.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
cinegeek.de - wrote on 04/20/2016
The Descendants hat ein Happy Ending und deshalb haben wir es hier mit einer Komödie zu tun. Der Schauplatz ist das Paradies von Hawaii. Die Hauptrolle spielt George Clooney, was immer einen gewissen Wohlfühl-Charakter verspricht. The Descendants ist aber so viel mehr als das! Regisseur sowie Co-Autor Alexander Payne hat in der Vergangenheit eine Vorliebe für Männer entwickelt, die es lernen müssen, auch glückliche Gefühle in ihrem Leben anzunehmen. Darum gehts. Hawaii fungiert hier als Co-Star. Ich kenne es nur aus Filmen, aber die haben mir bewusst gemacht, wie wichtig den Menschen dort ihre Tradition ist und wie sehr sie ihr Land lieben. Übersetzt man das Wort "Descendant", meint es soviel wie Nachfahre. So einer ist Matt King (Clooney). Seine Familie besitzt einen der letzten …
Rating of
Paradises is just a myth.
Matthew Brady - wrote on 07/10/2014
Paradises is just a myth. Two teenage daughters push their father to his limit when they reveal their mother was having an affair before she had an accident. The best way to describe George Clooney's character, His a good man with a lot of things on his hands, He makes foolish choices but he tries to be a good man, But his older daughter who his like another side to him, She tells him to take action and beat up the guy he made they life's living hell, But he just can't and there is one scene when his at his wife's funeral and he stays calm and tries his best not to cry, But when the people leave and his all alone he drops to the ground on his knees pressing his hands together on the ground and his heading is facing the ground and the camera goes around him and then he lifts his head up …
Rating of
Almost Paradise
Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/06/2013
Alexander Payne is a great director - and not just because he happens to be a native Nebraskan. He manages two feats I wouldn't have though possible: he makes George Clooney seem like a regular guy and he gives Matthew Lillard a dramatic role that actually works. Based on those two things alone, The Descendants is worth a watch.
What I like is that the story doesn't feel forced. Clooney plays a father and husband - his wife is in a coma following a boating accident and he is having trouble with how to deal with his two daughters (played with perfection by Shailene Woodley and Amara Miller). On top of this, his extended family is putting together a deal to sell a pristine parcel of Hawaiian land that has been in the family for generations in a multimillion dollar deal.
Then things …
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