Carnival of Souls Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 8091

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 46

Theatrical Release Date: 09/26/1962

Language: English

Genre: Fantasy, Horror

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Herk Harvey

Actors: Candace Hilligoss, Frances Feist, Sidney Berger, Art Ellison, Stan Levitt, Tom McGinnis

Plot: After a young woman survives an auto accident, she moves West to take a church organist's position. But her haunting visions draw her irretrievably to an abandoned fairgrounds.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 11/12/2023

The only thing about "Carnival of Souls" that can be felt more than its influence on modern horror is the spine-tingling sense of atmosphere and fright that it weaves like a web to the sound of its haunting musical score.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 10/09/2013

An odd creeper. I would classify this as more of a surreal experience that contains some horror elements. The overall mysterious nature drew me in and I found most of the film to be... interesting. That's really all I can fathom for 'Carnival of Souls'. It's focus is less on story/character and more on heavy ambiguity. The sort-of twist ending is easily predicted, but it's the way I preferred the film should end.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 06/03/2012

A different kind of horror - follows a young women who miraculously survives a car accident and begins to have strange visions of creepy, old dude. It's hard to compare this to anything else, because it really is its own monster. Interesting, though a bit dated - still effective, though.

Full Movie Reviews

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

Rating of

Halloween review

Matthew Brady - wrote on 10/31/2015

Mary Henry: "It's funny... the world is so different in the daylight. In the dark, your fantasies get so out of hand. But in the daylight everything falls back into place again".

The story in Carnival of Souls is about a young woman who survives an auto accident, she moves West to take a church organist's position. But her haunting visions draw her irretrievably to an abandoned fairgrounds.

Never before have I watched a movie that made me feel so uncomfortable and spooked out like Carnival of Souls. This 60's spook fest as a cult following behind it, since it wasn't owned by any big name studios and yes this wasn't owned by any studio, so when the movie began it didn't have any big movie studio logos all over it, it just starts. I find it quite unique that a movie with a low budget …

Rising Star

Rating of

Cult Film Delivers Great Atmosphere, Weak Plot

maudet - wrote on 08/23/2013

"It's funny... the world is so different in the daylight. In the dark, your fantasies get so out of hand. But in the daylight everything falls back into place again."

The film opens on a sunny day as two cars are side by side, stopped at a light on an otherwise deserted road. The occupants of the car begin a drag race, neither of them seem officially in the lead until the two cars reach the bridge, where one of the cars loses control and flies off the bridge, landing in the water. Three hours later, the car is still being searched for when one woman, Mary Henry, rises from the water. This is how the semi-forgotten cult classic, CARNIVAL OF SOULS (1962) begins. Many have compared this film's tone to an episode of the Twilight Zone extended to feature film length (well, 84 minutes) and …

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