Woman in the Dunes ( Suna no onna ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 891

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 37

Theatrical Release Date: 10/25/1964

Language: Japanese

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Hiroshi Teshigahara

Actors: Kyôko Kishida, Eiji Okada, Koji Mitsui, Sen Yano, Kinzo Sekiguchi

Plot: A naturalist professor, looking in the desert for insects, becomes imprisoned by a woman living in the valley of sand dunes.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Allison - wrote on 09/21/2007

I didn't like this bizarre weird film. But everyone else did. So don't listen to me.

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of


cinegeek.de - wrote on 05/07/2016

Our Daily Free Stream: The Woman In The Dunes (engl. subt.). Kennst du das Gefühl, jahrelang einen Film zu suchen, den du einfach nicht bekommen kannst? So ging es mir mit Woman In The Dunes, bis die vorliegende DVD veröffentlicht wurde (ich weiss, der Netflix User kann das nicht verstehen, denn seine Superhelden stehen per Click stets bereit...). Er würde gern in privaten Unterkünften übernachten, sagt der Mann, der seinen letzten Bus verpasst hat. Er erforscht Insekten in einer entlegenen Wüsten-Region Japans. Nun folgt er einer Fremden, die ihn einlädt, über Nacht zu bleiben. Ihr Haus liegt mitten in der Mulde einer Düne und betreten kann man es nur über eine Leiter. Er klettert die Leiter hinunter und verbringt die Nacht bei ihr als Gast. Am nächsten Morgen findet er …

Movie Star

Rating of

A More Formal "Eraserhead"

sidehacker - wrote on 09/18/2007

I really could have given this anywhere from a 7.5 to a 9.5 but looking back on it, there's really a lot of great stuff. It's just that the film begins to drag and I mean really fucking drag at some points. There's certain movies where half way through, despite loving it you get the feeling there's nothing much more film can offer. This is sort of how I felt. I mean, I did enjoy the rest of the film but not nearly on the same level. It gets sort of tedious after awhile, I suppose. The ending is really bad too. Teshigara's decision to show the main character's "missing persons" report is something you'd probably see in a Twilight Zone episode. It's almost like he's saying, "hey you know a missing person? Well, maybe they're enduring something like this?!" - just feels kinda gimmicky. …

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