Unforgiven Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 61

Average Rating: 3.3/4

# of Ratings: 761

Theatrical Release Date: 08/07/1992

Language: English

Genre: Western

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Clint Eastwood

Actors: Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, Gene Hackman, Jaimz Woolvett, Richard Harris, Saul Rubinek

Plot: An old gunman rejects retirement for one last job as he enlists the help of his old partner, and someone new, who is much younger than him.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 05/28/2019

Clint Eastwood delivers a memorable western, this time not only from in front of the camera, but from the director's chair as well.

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SteelCity99 - wrote on 04/22/2018

Eastwood directs and acts in one of his best movies of his career. Unforgiven brings back to remembrance the delightful qualities of a good western and juxtaposes dramatic tragedies and incidents with a smart perspective on antagonism. There are no good guys or bad guys. Sometimes, fire must be fought with fire. "Badass" Clint knows it, achieving a beautiful scope of nostalgia and a climatic bullet exchange, more disturbing psychologically than for its graphic violence. The western genre has been saved. 85/100

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Timothy - wrote on 11/25/2017


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It ain't bad, but it ain't special either.

memento_mori - wrote on 06/22/2013

I simply do not understand why people love this movie.

The movie was okay. It had many flaws, unlikable characters and boring scene after boring scene.
I understand what Clint Eastwood was trying to do. He chose a different route and made a less-than-action-packed Western.
I can't relate to the characters at all. We're supposed to sympathize with William Munney (especially in the last few scenes), but I can't bring myself to like him and want him to succeed, especially when he has such a cruel and unforgivable (haha, Unforgiv-able) past and character.
English Bob is an extremely useless character. He's only there so that Gene Hackman can shout a few insults at him, which lend no perspective or bring the story further.
Ned was fine, but again, I didn't sympathize with him or think …

Movie God

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"Unforgiven" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 12/29/2011

An ex-gunslinger comes out of retirement to collect the bounty on a pair of cowpokes who disfigured a young prostitute. Clint Eastwood directs and stars in a deconstruction of the myth of the old west that examines the kind of man who would exist in a society which provides mean drunks and arrogant, prideful boys with lethal weapons. Saul Rubinek's author of the romanticized versions of the stories provides the eyes through which the myths are dispelled as Gene Hackman reveals the truth behind them. But even Little Bill, himself little more than a brutal thug with delusions of grandeur, revels in his own exploits and it is only Eastwood's reformed killer who shows any shame or wish for redemption for his past actions. In the hostile environment of the American west it is not the most …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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Unforgiven review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 12/05/2011

Sheriff Little Bill Daggett (Gene Hackman) manages the situation of Skinny and the prostitutes. A group of whores offers a reward to whoever can kill Quick Mike (David Mucci) and Davey (Rob Campbell) who scarred Delilah. A cocky Schofield Kid (Jaimz Woolvett) introduces himself and asks William "Will" Munny (Clint Eastwood) to be his partner for the reward of $1,000 into Wyoming. Will visits Ned (Morgan Freeman) and recruits him to catch-up with the Kid. The three enters the town of Big Whiskey, where English Bob (Richard Harris) and Will gets beaten up by Little Bill. Ned gets captured and eventually dies. The Kid goes back to Kansas to distribute the reward money to Munny and Logan's families. Will goes back to avenge his loyal partner.

The impressive cinematography, subtle …

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