The Terminator Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 105

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 1046

Theatrical Release Date: 10/26/1984

Language: English

Genre: Sci-Fi, Action

MPAA Rating: R

Director: James Cameron

Actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen, Paul Winfield

Plot: A human and a cyborg are sent from the future, one to protect the mother of a boy who will someday be needed to save the world, and one to kill her.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/06/2019

The macho poster child of 80s sci-fi action, "The Terminator" is still a nonstop thrill ride.

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Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/09/2014

A human and a cyborg are sent from the future, one to protect the mother of a boy who will someday be needed to save the world, and one to kill her. This movie was okay and I know a lot of people like this film and I can say the movie as good score and CGI.

Rating of

scunaclaf - wrote on 10/04/2013

Brilliant, really good, action suspense, thrills...... non stop till the end

Full Movie Reviews

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Düster - wrote on 07/30/2016

Our Daily Free Stream: The Terminator. Zum Geburtstag von Arnold Schwarzenegger! - Das ist das Jahr 2009 nach der Apokalypse. Die Welt liegt in Trümmern, so düster wie in den grossen SciFi Meisterwerken der 80er. Es herrschen intelligente Maschinen, um die letzten Reste der Menschheit zu vernichten. Doch sie haben nicht mit unserem Überlebenswillen gerechnet! Unter der Führung von John Connor bildet sich eine Widerstandsbewegung heran. Die Maschinen reagieren und entsenden den Terminator (Schwarzenegger) in die Vergangenheit. Im Jahr 1984 soll der Terminator Connors Mutter Sarah (Linda Hamilton) töten. Die Rebellen aber schicken Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) ebenfalls zurück in die Vergangenheit und die finale Schlacht zwischen Böse und Gut kann beginnen... James Camerons düsteres …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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The Terminator review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 12/26/2011

Th year 2029, machines eliminate human existence. Back in 1984, a Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger), is programmed to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton). A human named Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn), a human resistance fighter, ensures that Connor is protected. Kyle divulges to Sarah that in the future an artificial intelligence network called Skynet will become self-aware and initiate a nuclear holocaust of mankind. Sarah's yet-unborn son John will save the survivors and lead a resistance movement against Skynet. Special effects were pleasing to the eye and screenplay was original. Only qualms this critic has was the lack of an interesting protagonist, lack of continuity of the film and its somewhat disappointing conclusion. The Terminator however is a sensational sci-fi action film …

Movie God

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"The Terminator" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 12/26/2011

In a post apocalyptic future where humanity has been made all but extinct by rebellious technology, a relentless killing machine is sent back in time to assassinate the mother of the human resistance leader who represents their only hope of salvation. The original Terminator film is an exercise in sheer cinematic economy as James Cameron's breakthrough film is as ruthlessly efficient as the murderous cyborg itself. There's none of the schmaltz and sentimentality that went on to mar his later films and the taut direction and thrilling, bullet riddled action sequences make for one of the most tense and brutal sci-fi action films ever made. The cynical may point out that Arnold's robotic acting skills made him perfect for the part, but I think his performance is cruelly under-rated; as …

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