Hutson's Profile Commments

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bigbro - wrote on 08/15/07 at 12:33 PM CT

Hey Josh. Tommy Boy is the shit. You sweated your balls off in Dallas yet?


Taz - wrote on 08/13/07 at 08:55 PM CT

Wow the Emperor's new Groove as your favorite movie if all time. Bold choice! :o)

Alex - wrote on 08/12/07 at 11:07 PM CT

Yeah, you are right the app is a great idea!!

Alex - wrote on 08/12/07 at 11:04 PM CT

You can send people to the site. We are still testing it and have a few bugs to fix. Nothing major. We admitt that your mac problem is not that high on our priority just yet. We will be actively driving members to the site in the next day or so :). Can't wait to see some more people on here!

Alex - wrote on 08/12/07 at 08:43 PM CT

Yeah we talked about it but then people wouldn't visit this site much :) But, you can add the latest reviews to your blog or what ever (RSS Feed): Why didn't you like star dust?

Alex - wrote on 08/12/07 at 11:28 AM CT

Yeah, a couple of other people have had problems with their image on a mac as well. That is one of the things we are working on. As for trailers: A lot of people want them. Unfortunately they cost money and we aren't making any money so it will be a while until we can get those on the site :(. But, if we can find a service that provides them for free or via rss that would awesome. Let me know if you know anything...

Alex - wrote on 08/11/07 at 01:54 PM CT

I am not really sure what you mean? Just hit change image on your profile home page. Could you not find it?

Alex - wrote on 08/01/07 at 04:51 PM CT

Welcome to FilmCrave! Click on 'Edit My Profile' above to finish filling out information about yourself. Don't forget to change your picture too!

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