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Feeling Tribbled - wrote on 02/20/10 at 12:36 AM CT

It depends on your perspective. I grew up with the old King Kong movie. I went to the World Premier in NYC. I thought it was pretty well done. I'd say it's on my top movie list for sentimental reasons more than anything else. But I don't think it's as bad as you are making it out to be. But, I will say that Kong has a very specific fan group.

sapien - wrote on 02/16/10 at 05:54 PM CT

Ok. I'll try to check it out then. But, I better not be disappointed! lol.

sapien - wrote on 02/12/10 at 09:01 PM CT

But, the thing is: I've never actually seen "Before and After." Would it really be better than "Nell?" I thought "Nell" was pretty good.

UmbrellaFighter - wrote on 02/12/10 at 12:05 PM CT

I though Mr and Mrs Smith along with Jumper were great films. Top notch

mistermanager - wrote on 02/11/10 at 03:35 PM CT


mistermanager - wrote on 02/04/10 at 05:46 PM CT

well.. i guess... both? lol

mistermanager - wrote on 02/03/10 at 09:49 PM CT

hahaha i just made that for the points

The SHC - wrote on 01/30/10 at 08:38 PM CT

Oh, yeah, I actually forgot about that one. I love that movie.

Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/28/10 at 10:17 AM CT

If I recall, the only thing I remotely liked Beyonce in was Austin Powers. I agree, she should stick to music and music videos from now on.

Holas - wrote on 01/27/10 at 09:09 AM CT

Horrible 2nd Reunitings for Actors comment

This is a list where at least two of the stars who acted once before together and had a big success, reunited (sequels not included) to do another movie and failed.

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