

FilmCrave Points

Activity Points
Total Ratings 1,875
Total Reviews 17
Total Lists 15
Total Plots 137
Total Points 2,206

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Movie God
Movie God

MaceeRae's Information

Ranking Status: Producer

Gender: Female

Current Area: LA

Home Town: New Orleans, LA

Education: Educational system of the USA, and the school of living for 60 plus years

Employer: Retired

Position: Human Resources, Marketing, Customer Liason

About Me: Movie fan since childhood, saw "Rebel Without A Cause", and was hooked for life.

Interests: Writing short stories, reading anything in print, a big fan of the printed word, painting watercolors

Movie Profile

Film I Love: The Shawshank Redemption

Film I Hate: The Golden Child

Guilty Pleasure: Eight Legged Freaks

Favorite Genre: Horror

Least Favorite Genre: Anime

Favorite Actors: Robert DeNiro, Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington

Least Favorite Actors: Russell Crowe, Kristin Stewart

Favorite Director: Martin Scorsese

Movie Quotes: "Get busy living, or get busy dying." - The Shawshank Redemption

"Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." - The Wizard Of Oz

"You get what you settle for." - Thelma and Louise

Latest Movie Review

Rating of

Papillon (1973)

What appealed to me in this film was the depiction of one man's unwavering determination to be free. The inability to allow anything to dissuade him, or to block him. The strength of spirit, worked for me.

Recent Rating History

Movie Title Rating Overall Add
Dante's Inferno (1935) 3.0/4 2.4/4
Anthony Adverse 3.0/4 2.4/4
Secret Agent (1936) 2.5/4 2.3/4
The Last of the Mohicans (1936) 2.5/4 2.3/4
Stowaway (1936) 2.5/4 2.6/4

Top Movie List

# Movie Title Rating Overall Add
1. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn 3.5/4 3.0/4
2. Citizen Kane 3.5/4 3.3/4
3. Cat People 3.0/4 2.7/4
4. I Am Legend 3.5/4 2.8/4
5. Rebel Without a Cause 4.0/4 3.1/4

Top Horror

# Movie Title Rating Overall Add
1. The Shining 4.0/4 3.2/4
2. Halloween 3.5/4 3.2/4
3. The Birds 3.5/4 3.1/4
4. Salem's Lot 3.0/4 2.7/4
5. Night of the Demon ( Curse of the Demon ) 3.0/4 2.6/4

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Movie God

Alex - wrote on 10/28/11 at 02:02 AM CT

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