Movie Information
Overall Rank: 49
Average Rating: 3.2/4
# of Ratings: 1326
Theatrical Release Date: 05/25/1983
Language: English
Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy
MPAA Rating: PG
Director: Richard Marquand
Actors: Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams
Plot: Han and Leia try to destroy the new death star while Luke confronts his father and tryes to find the good in him.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 05/03/2024
"Return of the Jedi" is perhaps the weakest of Episodes 4, 5, and 6, but it's an action-packed spectacle and a worthy ending to the original trilogy. Now, onto the prequels.
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Gabe - wrote on 01/05/2017
This film gets a bad rap, mainly because of the Ewoks. But, who doesn't like the Ewoks? I think they're wonderful. This is the film where Luke finally gets his redemption. It also features the most underrated character in the Star Wars universe, Jabba the Hut. However, the digital restoration royally screwed the ending up by inserting Hayden Christensen.
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/26/2014
Han and Leia try to destroy the new death star while Luke confronts his father and tryes to find the good in him. This movie started great and ended great. The father and son thing worked brilliant and when you think about it is pretty sad at the end with the final father and son eye to eye.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
"Return Of The Jedi" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 01/31/2012
What were the rebel alliance thinking? To any military strategist with half a brain, the obvious way to defeat the Empire's finest shock stormtroopers is to deploy a tribe of furry midgets armed with sticks...it's so simple when you think about it! Well we all know what went wrong with this one, and it's probably where the rot started to set in. The most annoying thing is that the original concept was to have a tribe of tree dwelling Wookiees cracking stormtrooper skulls...how cool would that have been?! Despite the obvious drawback of those fuzzy annoyances, it's still proper Star Wars, with the characters we love in their last ditch battle against the Empire. The attack on the Death Star is beautifully choreographed and thrilling, and Luke's final showdown with Vader was everything we …
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The Pathos of Star Wars
SIngli6 - wrote on 09/25/2011
The final chapter in George Lucas' grand space opera succeeds at eliciting pathos for the tragic figure of Darth Vader while still providing the audience with a thoroughly flagitious villain in the form of Emperor Palpatine (played with hammy relish by Ian McDiarmid). It also gives us a very assured performance from lead Mark Hamill and a truly spectacular and cathartic climax. A post-production edit that replaces the ghostly image of Sebastion Shaw with that of Hayden Christenson, however, has proven for many almost as pernicious an alteration as the 'Greedo Scene' from 'A New Hope'; but, unlike that former atrocity of political correctness, this change actually improves the film by giving the viewer a sense of continuity between the two trilogies (not to mention giving Christenson the …
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A Great Ending, Ewoks and All
Chris Kavan - wrote on 04/26/2010
I consider this the weakest link of the original trilogy, but even the least of the three is still one of the best sci-fi films and a great way to wrap the series.
I will say that Jedi starts off with the best opening: Jabba the Hutt, a whole slew of aliens, slave Leia,Luke vs. Rancor, Sarlacc, Boba Fett - it's one visual treat after another and it keeps things interesting. It dials down the action for a little while, getting into the meat of the story, but it picks up again.
Though Empire may have the biggest twist, Jedi has the bigger emotions. Yoda dies, Luke confirms that Leia is his sister and becomes a full-fledged Jedi, Han and Leia work things out, Anakin is redeemed, the Emperor dies - and everyone celebrates! If nothing else, it ends pretty much as perfectly as it can: …
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