Manhattan Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 466

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 212

Theatrical Release Date: 04/25/1979

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Romance

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Woody Allen

Actors: Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Mariel Hemingway, Meryl Streep, Michael Murphy, Anne Byrne

Plot: A divorced man looks for a romantic relationship away from his teenage lover- who happens to be the mistress of his best friend.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 07/04/2019

A little more serious than Woody Allen's other masterpiece, "Annie Hall," but "Manhattan" is just as witty and enjoyable.

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/26/2011

There are so many beautiful elements at play here. There is the impressive story of romance and youth, told with sharp and understanding dialogue and humanistic acting. There is the gorgeous black and white photography and the nostalgic throwbacks to old-style cinema editing. And there is Allen's own love affair with New York City, documented as a backdrop for a story that is charming, funny, and altogether life-affirming. Besides Annie Hall, the director's best work.

Rating of

Patrik - wrote on 07/06/2010

When my dad recorded Manhattan on TV I didn't understand why. A black and white movie from the 70's didn't really impressed on me.. before I've had seen it. But one night I saw the movie because I didn't have something else to look at and it was over my expectations. A well written story with nice music fitted me perfect on that night. That the movie was in B/W just made it better. This movie is not that kind of movie you can see over and over again.

Full Movie Reviews

Rating of

Unromantisch - wrote on 04/28/2016

Ich hatte ganz vergessen, wie wundervoll Woody Allens Manhattan ist und die Balance zwischen Komödie und Romanze mit traumwandlerischer Sicherheit hält! Einige Jahre lang hatte ich Manhattan nicht mehr gesehen und konnte mich nur noch an die witzigsten Einzeiler erinnern und daran, dass die Liebesgeschichte zwischen einem Mann älteren Datums und einem Schuldmädchen erzählt wird. Manhattan ist aber so viel mehr! Es ist kein Film über die Liebe, es ist ein Film über den Verlust. Der Soundtrack beinhaltet eine Menge romantischer Songs, die im Grunde gar nicht zum Film passen, dessen Protagonist Isaac (Allen) die Liebe gar nicht kennt. Seine Sommerliebe heisst Tracy (Mariel Hemingway, die Nichte des Dichters) und vordergründig hat sie mit Isaac nichts gemein. Sie hat aber das, was …


Rating of

Vintage Woody Allen

Andrew - wrote on 05/17/2012

Manhattan is certainly a solid Woody Allen that features great dialogue. It contains some great shots of the Manhattan skyline and some very quirky characters.

The story is about Issac Davis (Allen) a 42-year old twice divorced writer who is dating 17-year old Tracy (Mariel Hemingway). While dating Tracy he falls for Mary Wilkie (Diane Keaton) the mistress of his friend Yale (Michael Murphy). In addition, he must deal with his ex-wife Jill (Meryl Streep) who left him and became a lesbian and is now writing a book about their failed marriage that portrays him in a negative light.

Allen is of course his usual neurotic self. The audience can clearly see why Issac's ex-wives left him as he is incredibly narcissistic, willing to abandon someone at the drop of a hat if suits his …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Manhattan review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 02/03/2012

Isaac Davis (Woody Allen), who was divorced twice and having a child, dates a 17 year old girl named Tracy (Mariel Hemingway). Yale (Michael Murphy), married to Emily (Anne Byrne) and friend of Isaac, is having an affair with Mary (Diane Keaton). Mary gets close with Isaac thru various walks and conversations. Jill (Meryl Streep) creates a book with references of their lives. The director’s gift of screenplay writing was evident with thought provoking lines from the film: Isaac – “The important thing in life is courage.” Mary - “I guess we met at the wrong time.” Emily – “But then, nothing's perfect.” Score was delightful and the dialogues never seemed forced.

Its direction leaned towards the beauty of the city and the relationships of the characters. …

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