Movie Information
Overall Rank: 2874
Average Rating: 2.8/4
# of Ratings: 77
Theatrical Release Date: 03/23/2007
Language: English
Genre: Crime, Thriller
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Scott Frank
Actors: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Isla Fisher, Carla Gugino, Jeff Daniels, Matthew Goode, Alberta Watson
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/06/2019
An underrated heist film that works best as a gritty drama about resolving inner conflict, "The Lookout" becomes more and more intriguing as it thickens, and is made very engrossing by performances from Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Matthew Goode.
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Rating of
The Lookout
Franz Patrick - wrote on 12/24/2007
This is a very interesting movie. At first, it reminded me of "Memento" but as the film progressed, it evolved into a darker and more serious version of "Fargo." Although I think this movie is less engaging than Joseph Gordon-Levitt's prior films such as "Brick" and "Mysterious Skin," it still packs an emotional punch on different levels. I suppose my main problem with it is that the first half of the film was a bit too slow for my liking. I occasionally wondered where the film was going, if certain scenes could've been enhanced, cut out, etc. I think the acting is strong but I expected that from Levitt. But I did not expect it from Matthew Goode because the only kinds of films I've seen him in are romantic comedies and drama. Upon watching this film, I am convinced that he is a …
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