Splinter Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3137

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 47

Theatrical Release Date: 10/31/2008

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 04/14/2009

Language: English

Genre: Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Toby Wilkins

Actors: Shea Whigham, Paulo Costanzo, Jill Wagner, Rachel Kerbs, Charles Baker, Laurel Whitsett

Plot: After a disastrous start to their anniversary, a couple are carjacked and end up in a gas station where they are terrorized by a spike-encrusted parasite. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 02/21/2010

A sort-of monster/infection movie hybrid. It's the usual concept of a few people trapped in one location by a deadly creature, but it's done so with skill and much creative ingenuity. The 'creature', in particular, is quite unique. It's entertaining, tense and memorable.

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Rising Star

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Splinter Review

Nick - wrote on 04/02/2010

This movie was greatly done. A new monster movie that doesn't dissapoint. Shea Whigham was excellent. He played his part to high standards, he played a believeable character. All the cast memebers in this film did great delievered tour de force performances. The creature in this film was amazing loved it. We finally see something different and not the same old thing in every monster movie. Every scene with the monster is amazing. Paulo Costanzo was great I was suprised to see him in this film considering he's known for funnny films not these kinds of films but he did good. Jill Wagner was great I see a bright future for her. Don't see a lot of good actresses but she's a good one. I say watch this movie it's different and if your tired of seeing the same old thing in monster movies. It's …

Movie Star

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TrifibianTerror - wrote on 11/11/2009

This original, creepy, unnerving horror film gives that fresh sense of nameless dread which has been lost in many modern horror films.
Set in a gas station where a kidnapped couple out on their anniversary are terrorized, along with their captors, by a strange, parasitic creature which infects you, grows in you and manifests in the form of spikes and takes over your body. Somewhat zombie-like, yes? This is even worse. No matter what you do, if you blast its arms, head and legs off, it will keep coming at you. The thing itself has lived in the Oklahoma or Maryland Woods (I can't quite remember) for untold years, undistubed by mankind, until now.
This film gives that primal feeling of unknown horror, of now knowing what it is and more importantly, how to kill it.

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