Vertigo Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 86

Average Rating: 3.2/4

# of Ratings: 678

Theatrical Release Date: 05/09/1958

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/07/2008

Language: English

Genre: Mystery, Thriller

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Alfred Hitchcock

Actors: James Stewart, Kim Novak, Barbara Bel Geddes, Tom Helmore, Ellen Corby, Henry Jones

Plot: A man with Vertigo investigates his old friend's wife to discover that she may be the cause of his vertigo.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/26/2019

A definitive Hictcock thriller, "Vertigo" approaches a detective story formula that was quite popular in the 1950s, and touches it up with frightful themes of fear.

Rating of

SteelCity99 - wrote on 04/21/2018

Hitchcock masterfully plays with our perception with a spectacularly clever and ahead-of-its-time noirish mind puzzle with top class performances by James Stewart as the man obsessed with the figure of a woman, and Kim Novak as the incarnation of a femme's fragility, yet overwhelming power over men because of our undeniable impulses. Vertigo transcends its genre in an unprecedented manner, challenging cinematic generations to come and establishing new psychological boundaries to be matched (if not surpassed) in cinema history. Full review coming someday... 100/100

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 09/09/2014

John Scottie Ferguson: "Did he train you? Did he rehearse you? Did he tell you what to do and what to say?". The story is about a man with Vertigo investigates his old friend's wife to discover that she may be the cause of his vertigo. Vertigo is one Alfred Hitchcock's best film that he ever did. James Stewart acting in this movie was just pure excellent and nothing can top it. Kim Novak did great in the film to, giving a guilty and a mystery to her character. Vertigo is overall a fantastic thriller with brilliant directing and a great mystery film.

Full Movie Reviews

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Model - wrote on 09/21/2016

Our Daily Free Stream: Obsessed With Vertigo. Ob er sie trainiert hat? Mit ihr geprobt? Ob er ihr zeigte, was sie zu tun und zu sagen hätte? Ein tief verwundeter Mensch stellt diese Fragen. Ein Mensch, mit dem wir sympathisieren. Es ist ein Mann, der eine Frau liebte, die nicht existiert. Nun fragt er verzweifelt die Person, die sie verkörperte. Diese echte Frau aber, liebt ihn! Sie hat ihn betrogen und damit sich selbst. - Vorsicht Spoiler! - Er, der seinen Traum der Realität vorzog, wird beide verlieren... Auf einer tieferen Ebene bringt uns Vertigo zum Nachdenken über Hitchcock. Ein Perfektionist vor allem darin, Frauen zu dirigieren. Er erschuf sie - in blond. Alle Hitchcock Frauen waren kalt und unnahbar. Gekleidet, dass es den Fetisch dahinter deutlich macht. Hitchcocks …


Rating of

Fragments of a mirror.

memento_mori - wrote on 08/07/2013

There are very few Hitchcock films that I love, although I do like the Hitchcockian style. A blend of mystery, noir and romance, usually topped off with great performances and a surprising ending.
I still think his masterpiece is Psycho, but Vertigo would definitely come in close to number one on a scale of all of his films ranked (that I've seen).

The way the first two acts are put together impress me so much. It starts and you think it's going to be an ordinary thriller, but then it continues and hits you right where you don't expect it to.
I think the title Vertigo has another meaning. It's not only the main character's flaw, but it is also a comment about the film itself. It is constructed in such a way that all of a sudden you don't know what's going on and are plunged into the …

Rating of

A movie everyone should see

Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 04/03/2013

I’ll be honest; I’ve never been a huge Hitchcock fan. Unlike other famous directors he seems to actually have more “just okay” movies then great ones. Sure Vertigo and Psycho (and maybe Rear Window, I’m kind of on the fence about that one) are great. North by Northwest on the other hand is a bloated action thriller (kind of like a 1950’s Jason Bourne,) and The Birds is just a fun horror flick. You sure wouldn’t see most of Hitchcock’s flicks get 4/4.

Vertigo, as I just mentioned, is one of the exceptions to this rule. It is the only film that I am convinced had any personal meaning to Hitchcock. It is a movie about sexual obsession, but not in a cliché erotic manner, but in a creepy, almost fetishistic manner. It’s strikingly thought provoking, and even kind …

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