The Film Rebel's Profile Commments

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Patrik - wrote on 08/30/10 at 05:02 AM CT

Top Movie List comment

Must say that your list is pretty great to.

Patrik - wrote on 08/25/10 at 02:19 PM CT

Best of 1994 comment

Agree that it's the best movie-year of all time!

sapien - wrote on 08/19/10 at 12:33 PM CT

Shawshank might not be underrated now. But it definitely was when it first came out. It's the greatest movie ever, yet it didn't win a single oscar. Plus, people hate on it because it's so popular.

The SHC - wrote on 08/02/10 at 11:58 AM CT

Hahaha, no dude, I've already got a girl, and I'm sure she wouldn't be pleased with me sneaking around on the internet, lol. And I'm happy to see your as loyal as always, bro ;)

Chris Kavan - wrote on 07/29/10 at 12:33 AM CT

Hello all!

As you can see, the site looks much better! We also made a few additions, which I think you will be pleased with.

Popular Trailers: we now rank every trailer based on how many times its' been watched. Popular Trailers

Movie Tickets: you can now buy movie tickets for all the latest movies through Fandango. Movies In Theatres

Hot Forum Topics: We have improved our forum by letting you see what people are currently talking about. Hot Topics

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The SHC - wrote on 07/24/10 at 08:55 PM CT

Damn Skippy, son ;)

tinamiller22 - wrote on 07/22/10 at 01:02 PM CT

Inception Review comment

Very good movie but the ending was quite controversial. Some of you wonder what happened and I found a video that reveals what really happened.

so it does stop

annakinema - wrote on 07/14/10 at 05:14 PM CT

The Last Airbender Review comment

M. Night Syamalan started off with three big hits: The Sixth Sense (1999), Unbreakable (2000), and Signs (2002). But as his career digressed, his movies have gotten steadily worse, The Village (2004), Lady in the Water (2006), and The Happening (2008). With The Last Airbender, Shyamalan was under a lot of pressure to reverse this trend, and do justice to a show loved by millions. Would Airbender be the start of his comeback? Or would it only further cement his recent failures as a writer and …

sapien - wrote on 07/11/10 at 11:00 AM CT

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a classic, and I liked it. I just didn't like it a lot.

sapien - wrote on 07/08/10 at 05:58 PM CT

I just looked up the line on Wikipedia, and it said that it was a reference to something Bogart said to Bergman off the screen when they were playing poker.

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