The Film Rebel's Profile Commments

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Holas - wrote on 01/21/11 at 12:22 PM CT

Is anyone else questioning Anne Hathaway's future performance as Catwoman??

sapien - wrote on 01/13/11 at 05:45 PM CT

I do indeed have a Youtube account. But, I've never, nor will I ever make a video.

sapien - wrote on 01/12/11 at 08:59 AM CT

No problemo.

sapien - wrote on 01/10/11 at 11:16 PM CT

Well, I left Nick a comment. But, I don't think it'll do any good.

Nick - wrote on 01/09/11 at 03:12 PM CT

Matters between FilmCrave and its members are kept private and are not discussed with anyone outside of FilmCrave staff. Thank you.

sapien - wrote on 01/09/11 at 12:00 AM CT

Are you sure they deleted The SHC's account? I can still see his profile.

Holas - wrote on 01/04/11 at 01:20 PM CT

Iron Man 2: they completely f-ed over Howard. they say he wanted more money (which was prob. true); however, they didn't acknowlege his contract. There was a huge stink about it. I read both sides and am 100% agree with Howard. Can't blame Marvel since Disney bought them out. so, I boycott everything Disney as well. I heard Iron Man 2 sucked anyways.......they got what they deserved. I don't blame any other actors (i.e. Cheadle) cause everyone has to eat.

sapien - wrote on 12/30/10 at 12:54 AM CT

My friend, Holas is boycotting Iron Man 2 because of the way Terrence Howard was treated. He's in the Iron Man 1, but not 2. And I'm always down with a meaningless boycott. I'll probably just end up buying it at a second-hand store. That way none of my money goes to the movie makers.

sapien - wrote on 12/24/10 at 12:38 AM CT


Hey now, "the Spirit" was a good movie. There were, like, half a dozen hot chicks in that movie. So it couldn't have been all that bad.

sapien - wrote on 12/24/10 at 12:34 AM CT

Underrated Sequels comment

I guess I agree with every one except KotCS. That one was pretty bad. I also think that you can make a strong case for "the Godfather: Part 3".

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