chrisdye newguy's Profile Commments

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sapien - wrote on 03/13/12 at 01:08 AM CT

I'd still go and see the Lorax if I were you, newguy. It has it's good points, and everyone else seemed to really love it.

theCriticalMarisa - wrote on 03/11/12 at 04:03 PM CT

Rango Review comment

I didn't really care for this movie, either. Animated movies are pushing the limits more and more. It's animated and PG, obviously there had to be at least some parents out there who took their kids to see it. Definitely not a movie I'd let a child watch.

MikeInMotion - wrote on 03/10/12 at 06:21 PM CT

Thanks for the comment, glad you agreed with the review. = )

theCriticalMarisa - wrote on 03/09/12 at 03:02 PM CT

Super 8 Review comment

I thought Super 8 was great, too! Not at all what I was expecting (had no idea what to expect, really) but I was pleasantly surprised. The acting was excellent, too, especially for such a young cast.

theCriticalMarisa - wrote on 03/09/12 at 03:00 PM CT

I hate that stuff, too. I can take a few digs here and there (we're all fair game, I get that) but this was just incessant. It went way too far, to the point where it wasn't just good-natured joking, it was hateful. I forgot I was watching a movie about an alien and thought I was watching Atheist propaganda. I'm Christian as well. Shame too because I usually think Simon Pegg is brilliant.

theCriticalMarisa - wrote on 03/08/12 at 09:58 PM CT

We both have good taste! There are others I couldn't think of at the moment. I had a bunch written down, gotta find the list.

theCriticalMarisa - wrote on 03/08/12 at 12:23 PM CT

Good! Don't waste your time! The trailer is seriously the whole movie. All the fluff in between is so boring. A movie of people sleeping and brushing their teeth, oooh scary. I can't believe there's actually 3 of them now. One creepy part in the whole movie and you have to sit through over an hour of nothingness to get to it. Idk how people just eat these movies up.

theCriticalMarisa - wrote on 03/08/12 at 10:54 AM CT

Thanks! I think adults appreciate some of the animated movies more than kids :)

theCriticalMarisa - wrote on 03/05/12 at 10:07 AM CT

Thanks for your comment :)

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