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Movie Talk Posts

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Chris Kavan - wrote on 2023-01-05 02:15

Here we are 11 years later and it finally happened.

Aspiring Actress

Medusa63 - wrote on 2011-10-16 04:56

So there's a number 2 coming out???Awesome.. After i saw Avatar 1 i wondered if they ever would make a second movie...So when i read there is gonna be a #2 i was tickled pink and i can't wait for Avatar 2 to hit the theaters... 

Aspiring Actor

Toneeh - wrote on 2011-10-15 02:41

i really like the movie 2 can't wait to see part 2 should be just as good.

Eunivova Serrao
Eunivova Serrao
Aspiring Actress

Eunivova Serrao - wrote on 2011-10-04 22:59

This is my favorite movie. I was excitingly waiting for this movie's release until i saw it i my screen. OMG that was so amazing. This movie is so imaginary, beautiful. What i really loved in this movie is the forest, it reflects the beauty of nature. That's the best movie ever, and that's just the kind of stuffs that i dream! LOL!

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