No Country for Old Men Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 70

Average Rating: 3.2/4

# of Ratings: 1143

Theatrical Release Date: 11/21/2007

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 04/07/2009

Language: English

Genre: Thriller, Crime

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Ethan Coen

Actors: Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, Rodger Boyce, Kelly Macdonald, Beth Grant

Plot: Situated near the Mexican border on the Rio Grande, a hunter finds dead bodies, heroin, and a stack of cash, in which trouble ensues the discovery.

Quick Movie Reviews

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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 05/28/2019

The Coen brothers know how to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

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Bob Saget - wrote on 04/05/2017

HOLY HOTDAMN THAT WAS A TRIP!! Shit went down with this one spanish or mexican or somethin lookin dude that was like shooting people with oxygen bullets or some shit. This guy was literally insane like he was straight making me pee my tighty whities. Then this Josh Brolin lookin asshole walks in and he's like on the look out for this spanish mexican dude. Little does he know....he is also being hunted!! I mean it's a classic flip flop! Guy hunting guy...strangely erotic. Anyways....I think this is the end of the review....bye

Rating of

Bob Saget - wrote on 04/05/2017

HOLY HOTDAMN THAT WAS A TRIP!! Shit went down with this one spanish or mexican or somethin lookin dude that was like shooting people with oxygen bullets or some shit. This guy was literally insane like he was straight making me pee my tighty whities. Then this Josh Brolin lookin asshole walks in and he's like on the look out for this spanish mexican dude. Little does he know....he is also being hunted!! I mean it's a classic flip flop! Guy hunting guy...strangely erotic. Anyways....I think this is the end of the review....bye

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Time as an Assasin

cacb3995 - wrote on 10/18/2017

No Country for Old Men is a 2007 neo-western/thriller directed by Joel and Ethan Coen, based on the novel of the same name by Cormac McCarthy and starring Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, and Josh Brolin. This bleak, nihilistic tale tells a story of morality, causality, and the inevitability of death. One day while hunting, Llewelyn Moss finds the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong: most of the gang members dead and a briefcase containing 2 Million dollars. The only survivor begs Llewelyn for water, but he ignores him and leaves with the money. That night, haunted by guilt, he returns to the scene to deliver water to the dying man, only to find out that he’s already dead. This simple act of consciousness leads to his downfall, as it alerts the ruthless assassin Anton Chigurh (who is …


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Guess who shouldn't have won Best Picture!

memento_mori - wrote on 09/02/2013

Yes, by the title you may take away I didn't like No Country For Old Men. While it certainly didn't deserve its Oscars, and the status it holds now, there are aspects I enjoy of it.

The way the film's script unfolds is just pure genius. It seems more like an observation of a story than a story. Almost everything has already happened by the time Sheriff Bell studies the situations, and when we are in the shootings and events, the Coens have me at the edge of my seat.
What I think are two of the most important shots in the entire movie are the reflections of Anton and Sheriff Bell in the television at Llewellyn's trailer. During the shot, the Sheriff adds: 'He's (Llewellyn) certainly seen all the things I've seen and it's made an impression on him.'
That is an excellent line.
It …

Movie God

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"No Country For Old Men" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 04/15/2012

A Texan welder stumbles across the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong and helps himself to the $2 million in cash no-one is left alive to claim. Unfortunately he does not count on a single minded psychopathic killer with a tracking device...This film basically distills elements of all their best work and creates a cold and cynical statement on the state of man. Javier Bardem's character is the most chilling and amoral bastard you will ever see; on more than one occasion he reminded me of a terminator with bad hair, except more cold-blooded! The pursuit of the stolen money just leads to bloodshed and tragedy for all involved, many innocents dying for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The underlying theme is the randomness of life; good things DO NOT happen to good people …

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