Movie Information
Overall Rank: 794
Average Rating: 3/4
# of Ratings: 197
Theatrical Release Date: 11/05/1999
Language: English
Genre: Drama, Historical
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Michael Mann
Actors: Russell Crowe, Al Pacino, Christopher Plummer, Diane Venora, Debi Mazar, Rip Torn
Plot: A researcher about Tobacco companies comes under scrutiny as his life is threatened because he wants to tell the true story about how the tobacco industry deals with addiction.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 12/05/2020
A tightly wired thriller where journalistic integrity and corporate corruption clash, "The Insider" is a stark reminder of what great actors we have in Al Pacino and Russell Crowe.
Rating of
mitchellyoung - wrote on 03/19/2012
The tension and intrigue in what could have been an otherwise boring film about a mundane subject is ramped up due to the powerhouse performances. Al Pacino gives one of his last great, non-caricature performances and the script itself gives the actors a lot of meat to chew on.
Rating of
kustaa - wrote on 07/30/2007
I bet this must sound weird but... I can't stop watching this film several times. I love -a lot- the mood of the movie... Fantastic score, and... how somewhat Mann managed to build a perfect constructed movie from an aparent boring subject. Crowe/Pacino are both great.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Brilliant in every respect.
Andrew - wrote on 05/02/2012
The Insider is a film that is brilliant in every respect. The story is compelling, the acting is superb, I could go on and on. The film received 7 Academy Award nominations, although, unfortunately, it won none. Russell Crowe's performance as Jeffrey Wigand is spellbinding as the viewer sympathizes with him every step of the way. Al Pacino is as wily as ever in his role as the maverick 60 Minutes producer, Lowell Bergman. He too could have easily gotten an Academy Award nomination. But perhaps the biggest award snub was Christopher Plummer receiving no nomination from the Academy for his role as Mike Wallace. Plummer is sensational and is able to channel the spirit of Wallace quite easily.
Overall, the film provokes a high amount of rage. The way Wigand's reputation is …
Rating of
The Insider review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 09/21/2011
Efficient character build-up with wonderful acting. Based on a real story related to the tobacco industry. producer Lowell Bergman (Pacino) finds a way to tell the insider information of Jeffrey Wigand (Crowe). Wigand discusses with Bergman regarding the seven CEOs of "Big Tobacco." Christopher Plummer as Mike Wallace was convincing, Pacino was riveting and Crowe absorbed the role. The screenplay was effective and never tried too hard. A few quotes from the film: Lowell Bergman - "When I came on this job I came with my word intact. I'm gonna leave with my word intact." Mike Wallace - "Fame has a fifteen minute half-life, infamy lasts a little longer." " I'm all out of heroes, man. Guys like you are in short supply." Style of directing was really good matched with an interesting …
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