Movie Information
Overall Rank: 121
Average Rating: 3.3/4
# of Ratings: 215
Theatrical Release Date: 10/18/2013
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 03/04/2014
Language: English
Genre: Drama, Historical
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Steve McQueen
Actors: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Lupita Nyong'o, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Paul Giamatti
Plot: Follows the true story of Solomon Northup, an upstate free black man who, years before the civil war broke out, was abducted and sold into slavery. Facing both extreme cruelty and incredible kind deeds, he struggles to maintain his dignity while fighting to survive. In the twelfth year of his ordeal a chance meeting with a Canadian abolitionist will change his life forever. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 05/28/2019
A crushing portrait of the dehumanization of slavery.
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Gabe - wrote on 08/24/2016
A wonderful and powerful film. Everything about it is excellent. I understand why it won all of the Academy Awards that it did, I thought American Hustle was more entertaining, but this film was just so powerful. It passes all of my tests to be considered a great film, except the re-watchability factor. I never want to see this film again. But, that does not make it any more great. A must watch for everyone.
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Pat - wrote on 07/20/2016
With the cruelty Schindler's List possesses and a hint of Shawshank Redemption's feeling. Fantastic film! Definitely deserving of Best Picture of 2013!
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
cinegeek.de - wrote on 04/02/2016
In letzter Zeit konnte man so einige Filme sehen mit dem Sujet der Sklaverei. Die meisten versuchten, die Thematik durch schwarzen Humor etwas erträglicher zu machen. 12 Years A Slave ist ganz anders: Düster, meditativ und in vielen Passagen sogar poetisch. Vor allem aber erzählt 12 Years A Slave ein persönliches Schicksal: Steve McQueen verfilmt eine wahre Geschichte aus dem 19. Jahrhundert und widerlegt den Südstaaten Mythos der "gar nicht so schlimmen" Sklaverei. Solomon (Chiwetel Ejiofor) wurde als freier Mann in New York geboren. Er hatte Frau und Kinder bis er nach Louisiana verschleppt und verkauft wurde. Wir lernen ihn noch als freien Mann kennen, bis er durch einen Trick auf einem Sklavenschiff nach New Orleans landet. Sein erster Besitzer ist der "gutherzige" Besitzer …
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"12 Years A Slave" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 11/14/2014
In a time pre-dating the American civil war, a respected black New York socialite is kidnapped and sold into slavery in the deep south. 12 Years A Slave is based upon the autobiographical book by Solomon Northup published in 1853, and so has an authenticity that is missing from many dramas set within this period. The account reveals that rather than a purely black and white, two tier system of cruel masters and brutalized slaves, the truth was closer to that of a caste system. While although an African American could rise to a higher social level, that status was far from secure and was subject to the capriciousness of white envy or greed. Chiwetel Ejiofor puts in a suitably harrowed performance, while Michael Fassbender's portrayal of a literal "devil who quotes scripture" is chilling …
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Review: 12 Years a Slave
MikePA - wrote on 01/01/2014
Director Steve McQueen's lofty ambitions truly shine through in this powerhouse film that tells the story of Solomon Northrup, a free black man who was abducted and sold into slavery. 12 Years a Slave takes you through Solomon's tragic and horrific journey, as you witness the cruelty and extreme inhumanity of slave owners. As a film his story is absorbing and resonating, taking you through the unfortunate circumstances and anticipations he faces. The entire cast is remarkable but the true star is obviously Chiwetel Ejiofor as Solomon. He provides us with a compelling central character and immediately grabs us to stay by his side and root for him through his struggles. It's the sequences in which his character faces the highest of struggles where his performance becomes effective and …
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