Movie Information
Overall Rank: 1146
Average Rating: 3/4
# of Ratings: 34
Theatrical Release Date: 09/07/2007
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 03/15/2008
Language: English
Genre: Documentary
MPAA Rating: PG
Director: David Sington
Actors: Buzz Aldrin, Jim Lovell, Michael Collins, Eugene Cernan, Alan Bean, Dave Scott
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Naveen - wrote on 02/06/2011
Simply magnificent. Gave me chills more than once, and really captured the era, both in a macroscopic sense and the Apollo program specifically and presented it in a sometimes humorous, sometimes dramatic, but always poignant fashion. The score was spot on and I loved hearing a background to the lives of the astronauts and how they were personally changed by the experience. Everyone should see this film!
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Deeply Involving
Franz Patrick - wrote on 04/12/2008
I was deeply touched by this movie because even though I wasn't alive back when it all happened, this film made me feel like I was right there. It also made me wish that I lived in the 60's because everything was happening: the war, the fight for the rights of all kinds of minorities, the commencement of the rise of technology... And this film is also special because I've NEVER seen a footage of mankind's landing on the moon prior to watching this gem even though YouTube is available to everyone. I've heard rumors that the moon landing didn't really exist so I guess, in a way, I unconsciously chose not to see any of it due to the fear of me believing such rumors. But this film completely convinced me that it did happen, not so much because of the footages, but the way the astronauts …
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