Movie Information
Overall Rank: 142
Average Rating: 3.3/4
# of Ratings: 196
Theatrical Release Date: 02/06/1931
Language: English
Genre: Comedy
MPAA Rating: PG
Director: Charles Chaplin
Actors: Charles Chaplin , Virginia Cherrill
Plot: A man falls in love with a blind woman who he struggles to support.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/11/2019
A hilarious and heartwarming slapstick comedy from Chaplin's Depression-era collection.
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SteelCity99 - wrote on 04/21/2018
Social strata intertwining in stories that unfold according to their respective implications. Cause and consequence: time goes away so fast. An image speaks more than a thousand words. What about 87 minutes? What about the most heartwarming ending ever filmed in celluloid while the city lights are fading? 99/100
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 09/18/2014
The Tramp: "Tomorrow the birds will sing". City Lights is about a man falls in love with a blind woman who he struggles to support. This is the kind of movie that I watch and think "Comedy back then was so much better then today's comedy". City Lights is a brilliant and well told story movie with fantastic acting from Chaplin. The funniest scenes in this movie has to be most of the film and am not joking about that. The boxing scene, the party scene and the most of the funny parts in the movie. Am not going to give away to much of the ending, but the ending was so sweet and so beautiful, I sat they feeling happy and full of joy.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Both Hilarious and Touching
JLFM - wrote on 05/15/2013
One of my biggest movie-related regrets that I hadn't seen a single Charlie Chaplin film. The director and actor has received massive acclaim, and is still considered today to be one of the world's greatest directors. And yet, I had not seen any of his films. In fact, I had seen relatively few silent films at all. However, if Chaplin's other work is even nearly as good as City Lights, I will not hesitate to see his many other films.
Often considered one of Chaplin's best films, City Lights is the story of a young tramp (portrayed by Charlie Chaplin), who befriends a drunk millionaire. The tramp uses resources provided by the millionaire to give gifts to a young, blind girl, whom the tramp has fallen in love with. Things are a bit complicated, though, as when the millionaire is sober, …
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City Lights review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 01/31/2012
The Tramp (Charlie Chaplin) encounters a blind Flower Girl (Virginia Cherrill) and becomes enamored with her. He bumps into a drunken millionaire (Harry Myers) who tried to kill himself. The millionaire befriends the tramp and takes him out. It had great messages from the characters: The Tramp - “Be Brave. Face life” Millionaire – “No, I’ll live.” Blind flower girl – “Yes I can see now.” Numerous laughable moments such as the suicide, dress on fire, soap scenes. The score was magnificent and acting was authentic. This probably became the pioneer of themes of mistaken identity, suicide, romanticism, life’s hardships and a mixture of heart and comedy. A timeless classic, City Lights delivers in all aspects that made it such an influential film.
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