mitchellyoung's Movie Review of Forks Over Knives

Rating of

Forks Over Knives

mitchellyoung - wrote on 08/01/12

There are lot of convincing elements to this documentary, which advocates for a mainly vegan lifestyle, backed up by some interesting statistics and interviews. It sidesteps the need to be entertaining (as other filmmakers of the Spurlock and Moore era often indulge), but that doesn't mean it isn't pretty fascinating.

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Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Chris Kavan - wrote on 08/01/12 at 12:47 PM CT

Forks Over Knives Review comment

This documentary was so convincing, it was enough to convince me and fellow FilmCrave owner Nick to switch to soy milk. I'm not giving up my meat and cheese, though.

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