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Allison - wrote on 12/19/07 at 09:39 AM CT

It's hard to believe that Shia is only #3!!

Bluesoul - wrote on 12/18/07 at 08:55 AM CT

Tell that to the numerous "tight" tv stations that play Bay movies weakly and never play any real art movies, not even allowing the masses to take a look at something different (even in cinemas where the movies they show are mostly limited to blockbusters and mainstream Hollywood) And then i'm INTOLERANT? :) Funny way of putting it Waxy, just because i dont like a certain movie that you obviously do. What could i then say about all those people that call any art movie "pretentious", "boring", …

Bluesoul - wrote on 12/18/07 at 06:57 AM CT

I never paid for anything to do with Michael Bay (not cinema, even less dvd) ;) So my conscience is clear about it, i never supported such hacks, i mostly saw it because of others that paid for it or rented it and i kept company. I'll take any art movie (even the lesser ones) over anything he ever does, senior ;)

Allison - wrote on 12/17/07 at 07:34 PM CT

True dat. I think he is one of the best upcoming actors. And I thought so before I even knew about Indiana Jones 4.

Bluesoul - wrote on 12/17/07 at 12:54 PM CT

Hmm, that's an interesting twist to it but i can't buy that. Sure there are mindless,.banal , empty things and people surrounding me in my life. But I fail to see what that has to do with judging cinema or people like Michael Bay and his movies. After all, I like "fun" movies. Some of them can even be "mindless" or "dumb" (Mel Brooks movies would be a good example) But normally they have either a good script, narative, good actors/actresses, interesting plot/story and above all they have a …

Allison - wrote on 12/17/07 at 12:27 PM CT

The Transformers Review comment

haha I don't know what I was thinking!?!?!?

Bluesoul - wrote on 12/17/07 at 09:46 AM CT

The Transformers Review comment

This movie is complete and utter shite, Hollywood style, sorry :)

And Michael Bay should be banned from making movies IMHO :D

If that makes me an "ultra snob" fine, but you don't have to be a snob to see through people like Bay and the mindless tripe they produce. But then that's a general thing with blockbusters. They just never really impress me in any way.

Allison - wrote on 12/16/07 at 07:55 PM CT

Transformers review, please?

Allison - wrote on 12/14/07 at 05:18 PM CT

lol hi

Alex - wrote on 12/12/07 at 10:01 AM CT

Yeah, Sunshine really stood out on the big screen. It gave me a really, dark, lonely feeling. Similar, I am sure, to what people would have saw when they saw The Abyss on the big screen.

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