Critters 2: The Main Course Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 20109

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 29

Theatrical Release Date: 04/29/1988

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Horror

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Mick Garris

Actors: Terrence Mann, Don Keith Opper, Cynthia Garris, Scott Grimes, Tom Hodges, Lindsay Parker

Plot: Grovers Bend, Kan., faces another onslaught of nasty flesh-eating
critters, and intergalactic bounty hunters Charlie, Ug and Lee return to
wipe them out. As the deadly fur balls rack up victims, the locals bravely
unite to save the town.

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"Critters 2" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 09/19/2017

Brad returns to Grover's Bend two years later but when a batch of Crite eggs hatch and ransack the town, he must once again enlist the help of the extra terrestrial bounty hunters to exterminate them. It was immediately obvious that Critters was a rip off of Gremlins, but in the sequel the plagiarism is even more shameless; it's essentially exactly the same plot as the creatures cause chaos throughout the town. As is usually the case in this type of cash-in, the gore and trahiness have been ramped up to the point where bounty hunter Lee transforms into a Playboy Bunny whose clothes promptly fall off. Beyond that Roxanne Kernohan has little to do which is probably some small mercy considering the quality of her "performance". The visual effects are also shall we say "quaint" and the whole …

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