Pearl Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

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Matthew Brady - wrote on 10/16/2022

“I want to be loved by as many people as possible. But truth is I’m not really a good person.”

Martin Scorsese is correct; this was uncomfortable to watch.

With this movie being a prequel to ‘X’, this does answer certain things in X that I think will add extra depth on a second watch. Even so, I liked ‘Pearl’ a lot more. With ‘X’ being a throwback to 1970/80s slasher movies, this film felt more character driven.

'Pearl' was more disturbing, not in terms of blood and gore, but whenever Pearl has a meltdown, it's incredibly intense, mixed with her unhealthy fantasy of being loved and seen. On top of that, her reaction when things don’t go her way is scary.

Mia Goth is phenomenal in this movie. She is up there with Toni Collette in ‘Hereditary’ and …

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