Taz's Movie Review of The Nanny Diaries

Rating of

The Nanny Diaries

Good Date Movie
Taz - wrote on 01/04/08

I had a tough time deciding if I was going to give this movie 2 1/2 stars or 3 stars. It was a very good movie but was it 3 star worthy? As of right know I am going to have to go with yes. That may change in the future but it was a good movie and I am still stuck in the feel good mood of seeing it. as for the movie it is a very sweet movie with lots of laughs. It is not a guy movie but it is a good date movie. I like Scarlett Johansson, yes even for her acting ability, and was surprised to see Paul Giamatti as the slime ball husband. I mean can you ever go wrong with Paul Giamatti? So in conclusion if you are girl or a guy with a girl this movie is defiantly worth renting and not waiting till it is on cable to watch.

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