CJP's Movie Review of Batman Returns

Rating of

Batman Returns

CJP - wrote on 10/10/08

Action: 3/3 + Comedy: 1/2 + Good vs Evil: 1/1 + Love/Sex: 1/1 + Special Effects: 0/1 + Plot: 1/1 + Music: 1/1 = 8/10 or 80%.

The villains here are phenomenally fun: Devito as the Penguin and Pfeiffer as Catwoman. Devito redefines the Penguin with his repugnant, revenged crazed portrayal and gives life to one of Batman's more boring villains. At the time this was the darkest Batman entry, but it retains a grandiose level of Burton spectacle. The established camp atmosphere mixes well with the scummy Gotham business world and it's corrupt underworld.

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