Movie Information
Overall Rank: 60207
Average Rating: 1/4
# of Ratings: 1
Theatrical Release Date: 02/15/2023
Language: English
Genre: Horror
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Rhys Frake-Waterfield
Actors: Nikolai Leon, Maria Taylor, Natasha Rose Mills, Amber Doig-Thorne, Danielle Ronald, Natasha Tosini
Plot: Years after leaving the 100 Acre Woods behind for college, Christopher Robin returns and find his childhood friends have gone feral - and are very, very hungry. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 11/30/2023
A pretty much worthless derivative distraction. Even for a low-budget slasher, "Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey" sucks. It's too inept to work as horror, and too joyless to work as a spoof.
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