goodfellamike's Movie Review of Strictly Ballroom

Rating of

Strictly Ballroom

Strictly classy
goodfellamike - wrote on 09/20/08

A diverting and classy-looking musical drama bouyed by committed acting and a rousing finale, though the main characters are not very compelling and some the writing is a bit too obvious; Pat Thomson excels as the strict mother of Paul Mercurio. Final Grade: B-

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Melon Head
Melon Head
Rising Star

Melon Head - wrote on 11/09/12 at 06:44 AM CT

Strictly Ballroom Review comment

Kept putting off seeing this movie for a long time. I thought it would not be my type of movie at all, however I really enjoyed it.
Great at not trying to be great, or copying typical Holywood crap. Not the best acting, not the best story but somehow manages to be great.
No need to give you a synopsis

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