Sandy Toksvik's Profile Commments

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kustaa - wrote on 09/11/07 at 07:34 AM CT

"I'm upset that you haven't sent me a friend request yet."****************
You're not my damn friend. That's why.

Alex - wrote on 09/11/07 at 12:43 AM CT

Sunshine: it has a lot to do with 2001 and Solaris. This is just one article where he mentions his influences: I can't tell if you have seen this or not since you have not rated it, but it is not even close to an action film. There are action scenes, but that doesn't make it an action film. It is similar to 2001 in that there are many shots that are vast - with only one small object. It also does a good job of depicting out lonely they are in …

Alex - wrote on 09/11/07 at 12:31 AM CT

To me, stranger than fiction was stupid and unoriginal. Plus, it wasn't funny but obviously tried to be. Definitely not for me.

kustaa - wrote on 09/10/07 at 07:46 AM CT


kustaa - wrote on 09/07/07 at 07:40 AM CT

Oh no :0(
Anyway. I knew you'd come if she would. She did, so, I started to count the hours. Didn't take you so long. Be good to her :0|

Allison - wrote on 09/06/07 at 07:33 PM CT

u r a hack. also u were born the day after isabelle huppert. also crabbe is a nice last name so who is Toksvik? is that from a sci-fi movie?

Alex - wrote on 09/06/07 at 06:44 PM CT

Welcome to FilmCrave! Click on 'Edit My Profile' above to finish filling out information about yourself. Don't forget to change your picture too!

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