Bluesoul's Profile Commments

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kustaa - wrote on 09/15/07 at 01:02 AM CT

I can tell you wont bother in simply write on every single thing you've rated, you don't seem that kind. You do seem the kind that can put in words why you like something. Movies that comes to my mind you might review are those that holds a special place in your heart or mind. Your top 10 might a good start. If not, maybe Persona at least. I got your point on being difficult to choose wich one. I also have some movies in mind that I've watched a long ago, I know I love, but... can't review …

Jake Aesthete - wrote on 09/13/07 at 03:34 AM CT

I don't mean any offense by it. I just honestly have yet to see much value in this site.

Jake Aesthete - wrote on 09/13/07 at 02:54 AM CT

Do i somehow suspect that secretly you enjoy being the token snob? Perhaps you're afraid your elitist taste will seem less special if you actually showcase it among people who have actually, you know, heard of any of the films on your list? I mean, as far as i can tell the average Filmcrave user is about at the level of "'Naked', is that like a porno'"? What good is your taste if no one who sees it can appreciate it?

Jake Aesthete - wrote on 09/13/07 at 01:02 AM CT

What is someone with such refined taste as yourself wasting their time on this site for?

Allison - wrote on 09/12/07 at 01:53 AM CT

oh you have the same bday as Rita Hayworth (my favorite) and Jean Arthur. yayyayayyayayayyayayyaayyay.

Allison - wrote on 09/12/07 at 01:49 AM CT

Funeral lust is really a nice person. we seemed to be so different, but we share an interest in tasteful French music. So. anyway, i hope you two can be friends tooo :)

oh and nice quotes by bergie & godard.

Allison - wrote on 09/10/07 at 06:48 PM CT

i saw Haneke's first two films. I agree that he is a good director and now I think i've seen all his films except the Funny Games remake (which isn't out yet). He is good but gets on my nerves. There were FREAKS in the audience though.

Allison - wrote on 09/07/07 at 11:54 AM CT

heehee, yes. no i think us cinema is ok, but i like french cinema. since we are limited to 50 films per list, i may keep the us/british, french, and other films separate.

Allison - wrote on 09/06/07 at 07:32 PM CT

well there are some movies yes, but, consider the rest of the list. BTW, I really like Fassbinder (and Margit Cartensen), but expected more from Petra. I guess the low rating is out of disappointment.

Allison - wrote on 09/06/07 at 05:40 PM CT

the movies i dislike aren't usually ones that are on your mainlist tho. your list is succinct and i like. oh about aguirre i had to turn that one off :(

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