BlueMoon614's Movie Review of Twilight (2008)

Rating of

Twilight (2008)

Does not live up to the hype
BlueMoon614 - wrote on 11/26/08

I have read the first book and thought it was pretty slow until you got to the end. Being a person who does not generally like romance type novels or movies but rather prefers action, the book had a good ending but was disappointing up to that point. The movie has gotten a lot of press regarding the actors, teens wanting to see it multiple times, and the fact that the sequel has already been ordered. I, however, found nothing special about the movie. I generally love the sci-fi genre even when it adds a little romance. I am a huge fan of the television series Roswell which has a combination of the two. Like the book, the movie has a decent ending. It does not have much else going for it. While the characters certainly had chemistry, the movie was quite frankly a bore to me and probably anyone else who is not a teenage girl.

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