American Gangster Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Top Crime List

List created by KingInTheNorth

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Godfather 4/4
2. Pulp Fiction 4/4
3. Se7en 4/4
4. American History X N/A
5. Chinatown 3/4

004 Actors: Crowe, Russell

List created by sapien

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. A Beautiful Mind 3.5/4
2. 3:10 to Yuma 3/4
3. The Quick and the Dead 3/4
4. Les Misérables 3/4
5. Man of Steel 3/4

Top Movie List

List created by roby

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Van Helsing N/A
2. The Devil's Rejects N/A
3. The Proposition N/A
4. Memoirs of a Geisha N/A
5. North Country N/A

001 Top Movies 2007

List created by sapien

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. 3:10 to Yuma 3/4
2. Rescue Dawn 3/4
3. The Bourne Ultimatum 3/4
4. Grindhouse 3/4
5. Michael Clayton 3/4

Washington, Denzel

List created by Andrew

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Death Wish 3/4
2. Glory 4/4
3. Ricochet 2/4
4. Much Ado About Nothing 3/4
5. Philadelphia 3.5/4

Top Movie List

List created by Tman

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shawshank Redemption 4/4
2. The Godfather 3.5/4
3. Fight Club 3.5/4
4. Pulp Fiction 4/4
5. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 4/4

Director: Ridley Scott

List created by MovieAddict

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Prometheus N/A
2. Robin Hood 2.5/4
3. Body of Lies N/A
4. American Gangster N/A
5. Gladiator 3.5/4

Top Movie List

List created by Courtney

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Alien 4/4
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey 3/4
3. The Godfather 3.5/4
4. The Godfather: Part II 3/4
5. Logan's Run 3/4

Denzel Washington's best performances

List created by Daniel Corleone

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Malcolm X 3.5/4
2. The Hurricane 3/4
3. Flight 3/4
4. Glory 2.5/4
5. American Gangster 4/4
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