Metropolis Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Top Movie List

List created by Filmhog

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Airplane! 4/4
2. All That Jazz 4/4
3. The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer 4/4
4. Baxter 4/4
5. The Big Sleep 4/4

Movies I want to see.

List created by Jenny

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Dracula N/A
2. What's Eating Gilbert Grape N/A
3. Mulholland Drive N/A
4. Ed Wood N/A
5. Se7en N/A

Top Sci-Fi List

List created by Bri

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Matrix 4/4
2. Terminator 2: Judgement Day 3/4
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey N/A
4. Star Trek N/A
5. The Terminator 3/4

ABC's of Movies!

List created by myfaja

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. All Quiet on the Western Front 4/4
2. Back to the Future 4/4
3. Casablanca 3.5/4
4. District 9 4/4
5. ET: The Extra-Terrestrial 4/4

Movies I Own List

List created by mck2175

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. From Here to Eternity 4/4
2. From Hell 3/4
3. A Place in the Sun 4/4
4. Casablanca 4/4
5. The Maltese Falcon 4/4

Top Movie List

List created by Ariadna

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Videodrome 4/4
2. Inland Empire N/A
3. Mulholland Drive N/A
4. The Fly N/A
5. A History of Violence N/A
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