Watchmen Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Top Movie List

List created by Oddkins

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shawshank Redemption 4/4
2. The Prestige 4/4
3. Django Unchained 4/4
4. The Princess Bride 4/4
5. Drive 4/4


List created by Daniel Corleone

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Ichi the Killer ( Koroshiya 1 ) 3/4
2. Hostel 1/4
3. Saw III 3.5/4
4. Dawn of the Dead 3/4
5. Dead Alive ( Braindead ) 3/4

001 Top Movies 2009

List created by sapien

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Crazy Heart 3/4
2. Whip It! 3/4
3. Avatar 3/4
4. Sherlock Holmes 3/4
5. Fantastic Mr. Fox 3/4

Movies I've Seen

List created by Alice C 92

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning 1/4
2. A Hard Day's Night 1/4
3. Repulsion 0.5/4
4. The War Game 1/4
5. If.... 2/4

Superheroes and Comics

List created by Protozoid

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Dick Tracy 3.5/4
2. Barbarella 3/4
3. A History of Violence 3.5/4
4. V for Vendetta 3/4
5. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World 3/4

Top Action List

List created by Rick McSwain Jr

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Die Hard N/A
2. The Dark Knight N/A
3. The Matrix N/A
4. Terminator 2: Judgement Day N/A
5. The Bourne Identity N/A

DC Superhero Films Ranked

List created by Dark Vengeance 9

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Watchmen 3.5/4
2. The Dark Knight 3.5/4
3. Batman 3.5/4
4. Batman Returns 3.5/4
5. Batman Forever 3/4


List created by TRoseKnows

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Avatar 4/4
2. Inglourious Basterds 4/4
3. The Hangover 3.5/4
4. Zombieland 3.5/4
5. The Blind Side 3.5/4
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