Daniel Corleone's Movie Review of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

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Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 04/24/12

Thomas Schell (Tom Hanks) was close to his eclectic bright son Oskar Schell (Thomas Horn). Linda (Sandra Bullock) and Oskar struggle after an unfortunate event related to 9/11. Screenplay was descent and soundtrack captures each vital scene. The character of Horn was irritating and rude at times. Bullock was fantastic and Hanks solid as always despite limited exposure. Thomas Horn has potential but needs to pick his roles in the near future if given the opportunity. Film sometimes drags and becomes pretentious. Only interesting portion of the film was the conclusion. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close could have been better without having a weird kid searching for answers and a grandpa who doesn't speak.

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